Master of Biostatistics Financial Aid Information

The Master of Biostatistic program understands that financial aid opportunities are top priority for many students. Scholarship opportunities offered through the program are listed on the program website . Qualified applicants may also be eligible for federal education loan programs. International students do not qualify for federal loans.

For more information about Scholarships and Financial Literacy, visit Office of Financial Aid and Student Financial Planning

Apply for Aid-All Students     Veteran Information      Program Information

Cost of Attendance

Estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) for Master Biostatistics Year 1 
Term Description Start Date  End Date   Months 
Fall Term 8/25/2025 12/15/2025                    4
Spring Term 1/7/2026 5/2/2026                    4


Direct Cost Fall Spring Total
Tuition  $        21,096  $        21,096  $        42,192
Health Fee  $              504  $              503  $          1,007
Health Insurance  $                   -      $                   -  
Graduate Stdnt Activity Fee  $                 19  $                 19  $                 38
Graduate Stdnt Services Fee  $                 13  $                 12  $                 25
Recreation Fee  $              195  $              194  $              389
Transcript Fee  $              120    $              120
Total Direct Cost - Tuition/Fees  $        21,947  $        21,824  $        43,771


Indirect Cost  Fall   Spring   Total 
Books & Instruments  $              400  $              400  $              800
Estimated Loan Fee  $              318  $              317  $              635
Food  $          1,920  $          1,920  $          3,840
Housing  $          6,152  $          6,152  $        12,304
Miscellaneous  $          1,944  $          1,944  $          3,888
Transportation  $              928  $              928  $          1,856
Total Indirect Cost or Living Expenses  $        11,662  $        11,661  $        23,323


Cost of Attendance     Fall   Spring   Summer 
Cost of Attendance Per Term  $        33,609  $        33,485  $        67,094


Estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) for Master Biostatistics Year 1 is $67,094


Monthly Budget Breakdown Amount
Food  $     480
Housing  $  1,538
Miscellaneous  $     486
Transportation  $     232
Total Monthly Budget  $  2,736


If a student is charged the Health Insurance fee during the fall term, the amount will be reflected in the Cost of Attendance Budget by end of September. Financial Aid will be updated accordingly, and an updated notification will be sent.
Cost of Attendance     Fall   Spring   Summer 
Cost of Attendance Per Term  $        33,609  $        33,485  $        67,094


Estimated Financial Aid Package  Fall   Spring   Total 
Direct Unsubsidized Loan  $        10,250  $        10,250  $        20,500
Direct Plus Loan  $        23,359  $        23,235  $        46,594
Total Estimated Financial Aid   $        33,609  $        33,485  $        67,094
Please review: Federal Student Aid for information regarding but not limited to; loan fees, interest rates and repayment options. 

Financial Aid Timeline for Incoming Students

    Financial Aid Timeline 2024-2025
May 1 Due date for financial aid application (FAFSA)
June  3 Financial aid awards should be available
June 15 Access to on-line acceptance of aid open to matriculated students
July 15 Complete all checklist items on DukeHub (entrance counseling, signing the MPN)
July 15 Sign up for direct deposit on DukeHub
August 16 Federal financial aid awards for fall disburse into student's bursar account
August 26 Fall term classes begin
August 26 *Refunds are processed during the first week of class
December 16 Fall term ends
December 30 Federal financial aid awards for spring disburse into student's bursar account
January  8 Spring term classes begin
January  8 *Refunds are processed during the first week of class
May 3 Spring term ends
  * Students should add 3 - 5 business days to the "refund - student" transaction date for the refund amount to be deposited into the student's designated direct deposit account

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How and when should I accept my loans?

A: You will accept your loans through Duke Hub under Financials.  After accepting your loans make sure that you have completed mandatory Entrance Counseling and signed your MPN (Master Promissory Note) on the website to complete the process.

A: In order for the loans to show as anticipated aid on your billing statement, you should accept your aid by the week of June 14.  To avoid late fees accept your loans before the billing due date.  Once you accept your loans, the Bursar can see that you have anticipated aid and that aid is forthcoming.

Q:  My loans are scheduled to disburse after the tuition due date.  What should I do? 

A:  Once you accept your loans, the Bursar can see you have anticipated aid and your billing statement will calculate the amount you need to pay.  If you have accepted enough to cover your bill then you will not have to pay the Bursar.  The Bursar will send bills for the fall term the week of June 21st with a due date of the first business day of August.  For the complete billing schedule, visit the Bursar’s website.

Q: What if I don’t know how much loan I need to borrow?

A: Many students do not know what their budget will be at the time loans are accepted.  If you are unsure, we recommend you take out the full amount of loan you have been offered. Students have up to 120 days from the date the loan is disbursed to return unneeded funds. There is no interest accrual or penalty if returned within the 120 days.  Once you select accept, you may also decrease the amount yourself if you would like to borrow less.  Keep in mind the total of your loans will disburse over the number of semesters in your academic year.

Q:  How do I return excess loan funds?

A: Email the Office of Financial Aid indicating the amount you would like to return.  Once the loan has been adjusted, you will see the balance due on your Bursar tab-account activity.  You can make an e-check payment via the Bursar’s site.

Q:  What is the contact information for Direct Lending?

A:   Sign into your Direct Loan account at .

Q: I received an external scholarship. Who do I report this to and what will happen to my current award?

A: You can notify us through DukeHub or email the School of Medicine Financial Aid Office   Please indicate your student ID, the name of the scholarship, the amount of the scholarship, and if the funds will be for the fall term or the academic year. The funds will first reduce loan in your financial aid package and then need-based scholarship if all loans have been replaced.

Q: How do I find out general information about my bill (when is statement mailed, how do I change billing address, and what should I do if I don’t receive a bill?

A: Bursar FAQ.  

Q: Who can help me understand my bill?

A: An explanation of your bill is located on the Financial Aid website. You can also contact the Bursar’s Office at 919-684-3531 or visit the Bursar’s website

Q: When will I get my refund?

A: If a student has a credit on their account after all required tuition and fees have been paid, they will be issued a refund. Refunds are processed the first week of class.

Q: What is the quickest way for me to get my refund?

A:  We recommend all students sign-up for direct deposit.  Direct deposit information can be found under the Forms & Requests tab on your Duke Hub or visit the Bursar’s website.

Q: How long does it take for me to see the refund once I see it has been refunded on DukeHub?

A: It typically takes up to 5 business days for the funds to show in your bank account after it has been issued.  It is important to accept your loan, complete the required Entrance Counseling and sign your MPN (Master Promissory Note), and submit the direct deposit form allowing at least a two week window for processing.

Q: I am running out of money, how can I find out when I will receive my next refund?

A: These dates are listed on your Duke Hub account.  Look at Financials and then View Financials Aid make sure to select the aid year.

Q: How do I know if anything is missing so there is no delay in my financial aid disbursing?

A: Track this information on your Duke Hub account under your financial aid “To Do” list.

Q: Where can I get a copy of my financial aid letter for my apartment rental application?

A:  You can find a copy of your financial aid award letter in Duke Hub or use the original email with your financial aid information.


Q:  Does DukeHub have instructions on how to navigate through the portal?

DukeHub has a Financial Aid & Bursar “How To” section that is very helpful.