Duke-NUS Medical School
Founded in partnership between Duke University and National University Singapore (NUS) "with the objective of providing innovative education and impactful research that enhance the practice of medicine in Singapore and beyond", Duke-NUS Medical School now attracts students and faculty from across the world.
Signature Research Programmes (SRPs)
In addition to their mission of education, Duke-NUS has a robust research program, lead by their five Signature Research Programmes, or SRPs.
Duke-NUS and SingHealth: Academic and Clinical Excellence

SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Center
The largest network of hospitals in Singapore offering over 40 clinical specialties, SingHealth is the clinical partner of Duke-NUS. Together they make up the SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre "to drive the transformation of healthcare and provide affordable, accessible and quality healthcare".
Academic Clinical Programmes (ACPs)
Bridging the entire SingHealth network are the fifteen Academic Clinical Programmes, or ACPs. They incorporate all of the clinicians in their given specialties, ensuring "greater synergy in clinical care, education and research".
Academic Medicine Education Institute
The educational component of the relationship between SingHealth and Duke-NUS. AMEI uses the expertise of both institutions to create the best educational experiences for students, residents, other trainees, and faculty.