Year | Fall | Spring |
Year 1 | CMB 710A-F (modules; 6 credits) * Research 1-01 (rotations; 1 credit) ¥ CMB 764 (seminar; 1 credit) ¥ BIOTRAIN 701 ♦ BIOTRAIN 750: Intro to RCR Concepts (4 hrs) ♦ |
CMB 720 (techniques; 3 credits) * Elective (3 credits) * Research 1-01 (rotations; 1 credit) ¥ CMB 764 (seminar; 1 credit) ¥ BIOTRAIN 751: Responsible Scientist I (4 hrs) ♦ Task: Select thesis lab |
Year 2 |
BIOTRAIN 720 (grant writing; 3 credits) * CMB 710A-F (modules; 3 credits) * CMB 764 (seminar; 1 credit) ¥ Task: form thesis committee * BIOTRAIN 753: Data management and Quality. (three 1-hour modules by the end of Y3) ♦ |
Elective 1 (3 credits) * Elective 2 (3 credits) * CMB 764 (Seminar; 1 credit) ¥ Task: Prelim exam *
Year 3 | Research * Task: Thesis committee meetings * |
Research * Task: Thesis committee meetings * |
Year 4 | Research * Task: Thesis committee meetings * |
Research * BIOTRAIN 754: Responsible Scientist II (4 hrs) ♦ Task: Thesis committee meetings * |
Year 5 - 6 | Research * Task: RCR elective forums (two 2-hour forums before graduation ♦ Task: Thesis committee meeting and/or thesis defense * |
Research * Task: RCR elective forums (two 2-hour forums before graduation ♦ Task: Thesis committee meeting and/or thesis defense * |
* Required graded credits ¥ Required ungraded credits ♦ Required RCR and R&R Training
CMB 710 A-F
Modules in the CMB 710 series (A – F) are offered sequentially during the Fall semester and together cover 24 topics. These are the core offerings of the Cell & Molecular Biology Program and allow maximum flexibility for a student-designed curriculum. A minimum of four different topics are available during each module and students select one. Topics reflect the expertise of the corresponding faculty and emphasize either in-depth critical discussion of the primary literature or quantitative/mathematical approaches to addressing biological questions. Each module lasts for 2 weeks, with 3 meetings per week. Students entering through CMB are required to take 6 modules in fall semester of their first year and at least 4 of these modules must be in the CMB 710 series. The other two may be from the UPGEN 778 series. To help you prepare for each module, the instructors have included a summary and any required reading that must be completed in advance of the start of each module. Note: The Drop/Add deadline for Fall 2024 applies to all of the modules.
Fall 2024 Syllabus:
CMB 764 and the Thursday Seminar Series
All CMB students participate in the CMB seminar course, CMB 764. This course features an hour-long session in which one advanced student presents his or her research and another advanced student presents an introduction to the upcoming speaker in the Thursday Series. The second hour-long session is the seminar itself, presented by a distinguished visiting scientist (and open to the entire Duke community). These seminars are held for Fall and Spring each Thursday from 12:30-1:30pm.