Early Prostate Cancers Can Harbor Aggressive Tumor Cells
Duke researchers have identified a genomic signature which makes it possible to develop a test to identify which men should undergo treatment early in their diagnosis, vs. those who could safely postpone therapy, if they need it at all.
Your Gut Senses the Difference Between Real Sugar and Artificial Sweetener
Your taste buds may or may not be able to tell real sugar from a sugar substitute like Splenda, but there are cells in your intestines that can and do distinguish between the two sweet solutions. And they can communicate the difference to your brain in milliseconds.
Boulware et al NEJM Perspective: Combating Structural Inequities in Research
Dr. L. Ebony Boulware, is the first-author on a perspective in New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) published Saturday, entitled, Combating Structural Inequities — Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Clinical and Translational Research.
Announcing 2022 ALICE Cohort
ALICE – Academic Leadership, Innovation, and Collaborative Engagement – is year-long a leadership development opportunity for mid-career women faculty in the School of Medicine
Four Faculty Receive SoM Physician-Scientist Strong Start Awards
The awards program supports promising, early career physician-scientists at Duke as they develop independent research programs. Each recipient will receive $75,000 annually for three years to support their research programs.
Announcing 2022 Duke Clinical Leadership Program (DCLP) Cohort
The School of Medicine Office for Faculty is pleased to announce the 2022 Duke Clinical Leadership Program (DCLP) participants.
Local Hospital Leaders Urge Public to Avoid Emergency Rooms for COVID Testing
Get vaccinated against COVID-19 or you dramatically increase your risk of ending up on a ventilator and further taxing local hospitals as local cases of the virus surge. That’s the message from chief medical officers from three Triangle health systems during a media briefing Thursday. Watch the briefing here.
Geoff Ginsburg Reflects on His Time as Director of MEDx
Geoff Ginsburg, MD, PhD, professor of medicine, pathology, and biostatistics and bioinformatics, and the founding director of MEDx (Medicine + Engineering at Duke), will step down as director in January 2022. In an interview, he reflects on the creation of MEDx and its accomplishments, people, growth, and more.
With ‘Test-to-Stay,’ Children and Staff Can Safely Remain in School After COVID Exposures
Children and staff who repeatedly test negative for COVID-19 after contact with someone who has the illness can safely remain in school if universal masking programs are in place, according to a new “test-to-stay” study report from the ABC Science Collaborative.
Mark McClellan Reappointed as Director of Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
Mark McClellan, the Robert J. Margolis Professor of Business, Medicine, and Policy, has been reappointed for a second five-year term as Director of the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy.