Recruitment and Engagement Policy Update with Support Materials
The Duke University Health System (DUHS) has revised language in the Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) Brochure. The go-live date for the updated brochure has been postponed to March 1st.&nbs
Dzirasa Receives Prestigious AAAS Fellowship
A Duke scientist is one of ten researchers selected for a prestigious fellowship by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Duke Surgery Ranks First Nationwide in NIH Funding
The Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research has released its 2018 rankings of NIH funding for basic and clinical science departments, revealing that Duke Surge
Study Signals Survival Benefit for Black Men on New Prostate Cancer Drugs
It used to be a statistical fact that African-American men fared worse than whites when battling prostate cancer.
How Big of a Problem Is Plagiarism in the Academic & Research Community?
The most recent Town Hall on Plagiarism and Intellectual Credit organized by ASIST and the Duke Office of Scientific Integrity is part of a monthly series intended to serve as a publ
Is It Plagiarism or Not? When Is It OK Not To Cite?
The most recent Town Hall on Plagiarism and Intellectual Credit organized by ASIST and the Duke Office of Scientific Integrity was attended by about 190 members of the Duke community
How To Avoid or Prevent Plagiarism?
The most recent Town Hall on Plagiarism and Intellectual Credit organized by ASIST and the Duke Office of Scientific Integrity was attended by about 190 members of the Duke community.
School of Medicine Announces 2018 Research Staff Appreciation Award Winners
Three members of the School of Medicine staff received the 2018 Research Staff Appreciation Award, in recognition of their exemplary support in the cond