Travel Programs Sponsored by the Office of Duke-NUS Affairs

The Office of Duke-NUS Affairs sponsors travel for Duke faculty to Singapore and facilitates visits from Singapore to Duke.

Travel Grants

The Duke-NUS Medical School Singapore (Duke-NUS) announce calls for applications from Duke faculty members interested in visiting the school to engage with Duke-NUS faculty, with the primary goal of exploring potential collaborative research projects. While at Duke-NUS, the faculty member will be expected to present a research seminar.  Initiatives are in the areas of Cancer and Stem Cell Biology, Neuroscience and Behavioral Disorders, Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders, Emerging Infectious Diseases, and Health Systems and Services Research as well as in the Clinical Sciences via Academic Clinical Programs recently established with SingHealth.

More information on upcoming travel grant opportunities coming soon!

SingHealth Academic Clinical Program (ACP) Study Visits

Visit activities include:

  • Sharing Duke academic program administrative and financial models
  • Reviewing Duke resident and fellow program teaching models in depth
  • Rounding on inpatient units to experience the bedside teaching model
  • Exploring opportunities for resident and fellow exchange
  • Sharing models for development of research talent
  • Identifying research collaboration partners

SingHealth Chief Resident Visits

SingHealth residents shadow Duke Chief Residents for one week.  SingHealth sends 3-5 residents annually as part of an award program for top performing residents.