External Scholarship Information



Air Force Health Professions  Scholarship Program (HPSP)

The scholarships covers tuition, required fees, and a stipend.
Website: https://www.airforce.com/education/ongoing-education or contact recruiter becky.carlson@us.af.mil

Albemarle Hospital Volunteer

Available scholarships for Health Fields for applicants living in the following NC counties: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank, and Perquimans. One $5,000 Medical Scholarship and two $3,000 Allied Health Scholarships available. Contact information: 252-384-4676.

AMA Foundation

Leadership Award - recognizes medical students, residents/fellows, and early career physicians who demonstrate strong nonclinical skills in advocacy, community service, and/or education. Applications are due November 16 and will be available at www.amafoundation.org/go/excellence.

Seed Grant Research Program- provides one-year grants of up to $2,500 to medical students, residents and fellows to help them conduct basic science or clinical research projects. Grants will be awarded for research projects on Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Diseases, HIV/Aids, and Pancreatic Cancer. Applications are due by December 5 and are available at www.amafoundation.org/go/seedgrants.


American Society of Hematology (ASH) Minority Medical Student Award Program (MMSAP)

The MMSAP provides funding to medical students to engage them in the study of hematology and to help them attain valuable knowledge in the field. A $5,000 stipend, and $2,000 travel allowance are available. For more information, please contact Elisa Miller at 202-776-0544 or hematology.org/Awards. https://www.hematology.org/awards

Army Health Professions  
Scholarship Program (HPSP)

The U.S. Army offers the F.Edward Hebert Armed Forces HPSP. If you are planning a career in health care or are currently enrolled in a graduate health care program, it pays to look into the Army's HPSP. You could earn a full-tuition scholarship, plus a monthly stipend of more than   $2000.00. Army Health Care recruiter at www.goarmy.com/amedd/education or call 1-800-USA-ARMY. The first step is as simple as contacting your local recruiter at https://www.goarmy.com/amedd/education/hpsp.html/

Arthur N. Wilson, MD Scholarship

Award to students that attended high school in Southeast Alaska. This is a $5,000 scholarship that may be awarded annually. Students must prove academic excellence. For additional information visit :

Berkshire AHEC

Revolving scholarship loan award to medical students who reside in Berkshire county Massachusetts and who are attending medical and osteopathic medicine schools in the US and Canada. Award is up to $5,000 and renewable annually. Requests for application should be directed to the Berkshire District Medical Society Scholarship Committee, c/o Berkshire AHEC, Inc., 60 Charles Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201, or by calling (413)447-2417. the deadline each year is April 15. https://www.berkshireahec.org/health-scholars/

Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund

The will of Dolores Zohrab Liebmann created a Trust designated for the purpose of funding advanced education and graduate study grants. Candidates should be pursuing or about to pursue an advanced degree in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences (including law, medicine, engineering, architecture or other formal professional training). Candidates should have a very high level of academic achievement. Fellows receive up to $18,000 for tuition, room and board, living expenses and income taxes. The award is renewable. Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund (jpmorgan.com) Duke University Contact: Alicia Korenman, Research Project Manager - ark4@duke.edu

Dr. Frank and Florence Marino

Applicants must have attended CT public and/or parochial schools for at least 8 years, graduated from a CT public or parochial high school, and been accepted to attend medical school. Up to 10 awards ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 are available. The scholarship website at www.hfpg.org/scholarship. See website for deadline date.

Contact information: Sarah Carlson at 860-548-1888 x1027

Dr. Grover White Scholarship

Awarded through Community Foundation. Deadline to submit the application is March 1st. Applicants must be residents of Gaston, Cleveland or Lincoln County, North Carolina or York, South Carolina and who will attend an educational institution in North or South Carolina. Applicants must be seeking an advanced medical degree in medical related fields. Applications are available in the Duke School of Medicine Financial Aid Office or https://cfgaston.org/receive/about-grants-scholarships 

Dr. Henderson D. Made, Jr. Scholarship Fund

Established for students that graduated from a Harnett County, North Carolina, public high school. Preference is given to those residence who lived around Erwin, NC. Applications are due March 31. Information about the scholarship can be found at www.nccommunityfoundation.org/Scholarship?county=32.

Howard G. Lapsley Memorial

Scholarships are awarded annually by the Muhlberg Regional Medical Center  Board of Directors to provide financial aid to one or more deserving candidates enrolled in a degreed program in medicine, osteopathy and dentistry. Application information is available at www.jfkmc.org/jfk-foundation/scholarships. Deadline is May 1.

Joanna F. Reed Medical Scholarship

The scholarship shall be for one academic year and the amount shall be determined by the Selection committee based on the recipients financial situation. Students must reside from Alabama or Northwest Florida, who attend or have been accepted into a private medical school. Additional information can be found online at https://www.collegescholarships.com/scholarships/detail/86512

Joseph Collins Foundation

Application materials due to the Financial Aid Office by Feb. 20th, submission to foundation-March 1st. The Joseph Collins Foundation was established in 1951 to assist needy medical students to achieve an adequate education and not sacrifice all other interest in the broad fields of learning. The trustees feel aid should be extended primarily to advanced students. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for additional information. Documented financial need is a prerequisite, student must stand in the upper half of the class, demonstrate an interest in the arts & letters or other cultural pursuits outside the field of medicine applicants intends to consider specializing in neurology, psychiatry, or becoming a general practitioner, evidence of good moral character of applicant.

Kaiser Permanente Scholarship

A total of six $5,000 scholarships to fourth year medical students selected for their commitment to and achievement in community/leadership and/or population based research. Must be a third year medical student in good academic standing, interested in seeking residency in Northern California, able to participate in a one-month Kaiser Permanente facility in Northern California during the final year of medical school. For additional information their website at: https://residency-ncal.kaiserpermanente.org/med-students/scholarships/

KAMA Scholarship 
Korean American Medical Assoc.

The KAMA has a scholarship up to $1,000 available to the applicant chosen that best meets the criteria of the scholarship. All 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year medical students in good standing, interest in clinical or basic science research or community outreach. Applications are available the first year at www.koreanama.org.

Karl Jaspers Award

The Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry (AAPP) announces its annual competition for students and trainees. Eligibility for the Jaspers Award, given for the best paper on philosophy and psychiatry, includes medical students, graduate students in philosophy, psychology and related fields, and residents and fellows in psychiatry. Please see the full announcement here: https://aapp.press.jhu.edu/jaspers

Lehigh County Medical Auxiliary

Lycoming County Medical Society

$2,500 award to a full-time medical student who is a resident of Lehigh County, PA.
Application materials may be printed directly from www.foundationpamedsoc.org. $2,500 up to three awards award to a full-time medical student who is a resident
of Lycoming County, PA. Application materials may be printed directly from

Montgomery County Medical Society

$1,000 awarded to full-time medical student attending their first year of medical school. Applicant must be a resident of Montgomery County, Pa at the time of high school graduation or for at least four years prior to medical school. Application materials may be printed directly from www.foundationpamedsoc.org.

Myrtle Siegfried, MD, and Michael Vigilante

$1,000 awarded to full-time medical student attending their first year of medical school. Applicant must be a resident of Lehigh, Berks, or Northampton County, PA. Application materials may be printed directly from www.foundationpamedsoc.org.

Natalya Beneschott Scholarship

$1000.00 awarded to a medical student that specializes in family medicine or internal medicine. Application deadline is March 2, 2020 and more information can be found on their website at https://bold.org/scholarships/natalya-beneschott-scholarship-for-medica…

National Health Service Corps Primary Care Physician and Primary Care PA

Students pursuing a career in primary health care are eligible to receive funding for their education in exchange for practicing in rural, urban, and frontier communities with limited access to care, upon graduation and licensure. Web site: NHSC.hrsa.gov/scholarships https://nhsc.hrsa.gov/scholarships

PAOS Scholarship

The Susan Lindahl Memorial Scholarship was established in 1998. The POAS hopes that this scholarship will attract deserving students who are considering a career in orthopedics. Must be a current PA student in current CAAHEA/CAAHEP or ARC-PA approved program, a student member of Physicians Assistants in Orthopedic Surgery in good standing, a first or second year student with a sincere interest in becoming a physician assistant in orthopedics. https://paos.org/page/Scholarship

Pisacano Scholars Leadership

Applications are due May 1. Applications are available at www.pisacano.org. Scholarships will be awarded to outstanding medical students for a four-year period. Students need to have made a commitment to the field of family medicine and who will enter their fourth year in medical school in the fall. Maximum scholarship
$28,000 for the 2017-2018 academic year. http://www.pisacano.org/

Robert A Team Scholarship

Scholarships will be granted to individuals who demonstrate financial need while pursuing education and/or training for the purpose of delivering primary health care of a direct and personal nature. Preference will be shown to residents of Lexington/Davidson County, NC areas. Application materials are available in the SoM financial Aid Office. Deadline for submission is May 1. Inquiries can be made to annhmcmurray@gmail.com.

Sam Perry Memorial

Applicants must be Granville County, North Carolina residents and intend to pursue a career in the allied health care field. Programs eligible for this scholarship include: clinical laboratory science, physical therapy, occupational therapy, radiological science, pharmacy, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner. Applications are available online at http://www.ghsfoundation.org/sam_perry_scholarship/2021_sam_perry_schol…

Samvid Scholars - Samvid Ventures

Pursue a full-time graduate program of 2 years or longer. Be a first year graduate student for the 2025-2026 academic year, undergraduate GPA of at least 3.5. Up to $50K for tuition and fees for 2 years of study.

Southern Medical Association Alliance

The Southern Medical Association Alliance "Society of 1924 Medical School Scholarship" for 2015 will provide financial assistance in the form of a $2000.00 scholarship for tuition or other required expenses to a 3rd year medical student who exhibits both academic and leadership qualities in the need of financial aid to be accepted.
Applications must be received by the Review Committee on or before September 23rd. For questions, contact Kendra Blackmon at kblackmon@sma.org or (800) 423-4992,ext.164.

The Koch Kellan Scholarship

Future ophthalmologists to become part of an emerging group of ophthalmic leaders and to continue the legacy. The Koch Kellan Scholarship is a $10,000.00 award distributed annually by Parago BioTeck, Inc. to one second or third year medical (MD) student committed to pursuing a career in ophthalmology. All applications must be postmarked by February 1. More information about the scholarship can be found at the following https://paragonbioteck.com/gives/kochkellan/

Thomas Brown McClelland Medical

The Rotary Club of Miami offers one scholarship per year to a student that was a graduate of a Miami-Dade County Public or Private High School.  The website for additional information can be found at www.miamirotary.org.

Tillman Scholar

Founded in 2008, the Tillman Scholars program supports our nation's active duty services members, veterans and military spouses by investing in their higher education. The scholarship covers educational expenses, including tuition and fees, books and living expenses. Application due date March 1 at 11:59pm PT. To start your application and read more about this scholarship go to their website at https://pattillmanfoundation.org/

Wellsford and Mildred Clark Memorial

Awards up to $20,000 will be awarded to the best applicant that meets the requirements of the trust established for the scholarship. Applicants must be a resident of CT for five years, third-year medical student, enrolled in a not-for profit medical school, have financial need, academic excellence, extracurricular and interests in community service. Applications must be completed by April 30th. applications and additional information can be found on their http://www.waterburymedicalassociation.org/

William B. Bean Student Research Award

Must be current students at accredited medical school in the U.S. or Canada. The research award is $1,500. Successful applicants may be invited to present his/her research findings at a subsequent meeting of the American Osler Society. Deadline for submission is March 1. For additional information, please visit: www.americanosler.org.

Worcester District Medical Society

Applicants must be legal residents of Central Massachusetts at the time of application. Application information can be found at www.wdms.org. Deadline is typically end of July, visit website to confirm