We facilitate development of complex research grant proposals led by faculty at the School of Medicine. Complex research grants are defined not by dollar amount but by the complexity of the application and proposed program itself. Complex proposals typically have multiple projects and/or multiple cores, although application structures vary depending on the funding agency or organization. Examples include NIH P01, P30, P50, U19, and U54 mechanisms. Available services include advice and guidance, project management, template preparation, and editing and integration of the application.
Services for Individual Investigators
We provide consultation and editing services to a limited number of faculty-level individual investigators put forward by their department chair or division chief. While our staff members have scientific backgrounds, our intent is not to provide a primary scientific review but rather to help ensure the proposed work is communicated clearly and effectively. We can be especially valuable in helping investigators respond effectively to reviewer critiques.
Grant Development Toolkits
The Duke School of Medicine's Office of Research Development has developed tools for use in developing grant applications. We currently have toolkits for available for Ks, Rs (R01 and R21, with and without clinical trial), and complex grant applications to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Each of the toolkit pages includes a set of templates for NIH/AHRQ Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Attachments. We have also developed toolkits for Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs. Our toolkits are available on myResearchPath and accessible via MyResearchHome (Duke NetID login is required; see "Write and Refine Proposal" content). For assistance with any toolkit, or help in using the available resources, contact us at som-ord@duke.edu.
We have offered a hands-on writing workshop entitled “Effective Communication: Sentence and Story” through through a variety of venues. If you are interested in having us present on this or another topic, please contact the Associate Dean for Research Development, Joanna Downer, at joanna.downer@duke.edu or (919) 681-8272.
Other Resources
Similar grant development services are provided for faculty in the following departments and in units outside of the Duke School of Medicine:
- Department of Surgery: Lauren Anderson, lauren.g.anderson@duke.edu, or Brandon Hall, brandon.j.hall@duke.edu
- Department of Pediatrics: Katie Misuraca, katherine.lafiura@duke.edu
- Department of Anesthesiology: Kathy Gage, kathy.gage@duke.edu
- Duke University (campus-side): Sohini Sengupta, sohini.sengupta@duke.edu
- Duke Global Health Institute: Kelly Deal, kelly.deal@duke.edu
- Duke School of Nursing: Shila Nordone, snordone@duke.edu
- Duke's Sanford School of Public Policy: Joseph McNicholas, joseph.mcnicholas@duke.edu
- Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment: Ginger Sigmon, ginger.sigmon@duke.edu