The Office of Research Development at the Duke University School of Medicine provides services to teams of investigators and individual investigators to help ensure submission of high quality grant applications.
All School of Medicine faculty leading complex research proposals (i.e., those with multiple projects and/or cores such as NIH P and U grants) are eligible to use our services on a first-come, first-served basis. Individual investigators nominated by their department chair or division chief are also eligible for our services, as are recipients of School of Medicine Bridge Funding and faculty who have previously participated in a complex grant opportunity with us. If in doubt, please contact us – we aim to serve.
Originally launched by Nancy Andrews, then Dean of the Duke University Medical School, our services continue to be provided free of charge to Duke School of Medicine faculty as a service of Dean Mary Klotman.
Complex Grants | Individual Investigator Grants | Writing Workshops
Complex Grants Individual Investigator Grants Writing Workshops