Lead Research Administrator Metrics

The Research Administration section of the SOM Business Manager Metrics migrated to a scorecard for the Lead Research Administrator (LRA) in FY20. Beginning in FY21, the SOM Business Manager Metrics now includes one line for performance of the LRA scorecard.

*FY24 LRA Score will not be based on the Metrics, but instead on participation in the Key Performance Indicator workgroups. 

The activities captured by the FY24 Metrics should still be part of a proactive review and monitoring of portfolio exception reporting. These metrics will provide the reporting for SOM units to incorporate into their monitoring programs. **It is important to review your unit’s Duke Box reports every month to monitor data proactively and address any issues that could have an adverse impact on your unit’s metrics. The population of the FY24 Metrics includes all reportable sponsored projects (A0x, 20x-28x/30x-38x).

Please direct all inquires regarding Metrics and Scorecards to darrell.queen@duke.edusherry.k.brown@duke.edu, and ora-decissionsupport@dm.duke.edu



Several of the published metrics require feedback in the form or justification statements, management plan details, or the request of exemptions.  The chart below details which metrics categories are subject to the above forms of feedback and the method this feedback should be shared back with ORA.

Metric Schedule of Distribution Feedback Method
Reviewable GL  Monthly
  • Download the file from box
  • Provide justification for 6960 GL accounts only.  6901 and 6932 activity must be addressed through ledger correction.
  • Upload the updated file to Box by the due date listed on the Metrics Calendar 
Codes in Advance Monthly
  • Download the file from box
  • Provide management plan in the form a dollar and/or maximum amount of time for accepted risk in the appropriate columns in the report for any code in advance that is, or you anticipate will be 90 days or older before being awarded
  • Upload the updated file to Box by the due date listed on the Metrics Calendar 
Closeout: Timely Submission Quarterly
  • Feedback is not requested for FY24
Closeout: Reportable Submission Quartlery
  • Feedback is not requested for FY24

 Any items that is requested to be exempted from the metrics report findings will be reviewed by the following 3 Criteria:

  1. Opportunity: Did your unit have an opportunity to prevent the reported finding from occurring?
  2. Knowledge: Was it possible for your unit to know about the reported finding and it's disposition/allowability?
  3. Control: Was it within your unit's control to have prevented the reported finding from occurring?

Detailed examples of allowable and unallowable exemption requests will be posted to this space soon.

Box Folders

Department Folder - All Metrics & Data

Use the link above and locate your department's folder, the desired fiscal year, and the desired fiscal period folder

Note that access to the folder is limited to the CAO, LRA and their designees.

Tableau Dashboard Links

Spending Rate

Unremediated CAS Activity

Codes in Advance

GM1 and Goals & Aims

Summary and Rubric

FY24 LRA Metrics Summary 


CY23 Metrics Calendar

CY24 Metrics Calendar

Important Note Regarding FY24 Metrics

FY24 Metrics are provided for informational purposes only. Feedback on metrics results are only necessary for Codes in Advance and 696000 Reviewable GL Activity as this feedback is used to ensure accurate data is provided on a rolling basis.