Despite Studies, Health Effects of Coal-Burning Power Plants Remain Unknown
A review of studies over the past 30 years provides a body of evidence that people living near coal-fired power plants have higher death rates and at earlier ages, along with increased risks of res
Basic Science Day Showcases Wide Spectrum of Discovery Research at Duke
Eleven Duke faculty members and 34 biomedical students presented their basic science research at the School of Medicine’s 9th Annual Basic Science Day on Wednesday, September 12 in the Trent Semans
Register Now! School of Medicine Finances: A Primer
Presented by: Scott Gibson, MBA, Executive Vice Dean for Administration
When: Thursday, January 17, Noon-1:30pm
Register Now! Getting Promoted in the Clinical Sciences
Getting Promoted in the Clinical Sciences
Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 12:30-3:00pm; Trent Semans Great Hall
Medical Student Leads Study to Extend New Non-invasive Imaging Technology to Infants
Duke scientists found that a recently popularized non-invasive technology used to detect eye diseases in adults can also be used on infants.
Researchers in the Regeneration Next Initiative Discuss Re-growing Tissues in the Human Nervous System.
Duke researchers in the Regeneration Next Initiative discuss their work on re-growing tissues in the human nervous system.
Two Duke faculty Receive Awards from the American Society for Microbiology
Two Duke faculty have received awards from the American Society for Microbiology. The 2019 American Society for Microbiology awards in research, education, an
The Value of Time Away from the Bench
I love graduate school. I use genetics and cell biology to study the mechanisms by which cells change their shape in response to chemical cues.
Duke Community & Family Medicine Awarded $1.8M HRSA Grant to Create Community-Based Primary Care Fellowship
Duke Community & Family Medicine has been awarded a $1.8 million five-year grant by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to create and implement a two-year community-based pr