Mary E. Klotman's Friday Message: a Conversation with David Virshup, MD
During a recent visit to the Duke-NUS Medical School, Dean Klotman had the opportunity to sit down for a conversation with esteemed cancer researcher Dr. David Virshup to discuss his time in Singapore and why the collaboration is important.
EDI Spotlight: Lance Okeke, MD, MHS
Lance Okeke MD, MPH, associate professor of medicine, shares how he is preparing future clinicians and scientists interested in improving the lives of people living with HIV.
How Breast Cancer Spreads to a Vital Compartment of the Brain
When breast cancer spreads to the lining of the brain, survival time for patients is less than six months. Duke University School of Medicine researchers have discovered clues as to how they might stop this dangerous spread.
Expiring Medications Could Pose Challenge on Long Space Missions
Medications commonly used by astronauts aboard the International Space Station might in ineffective, or worse, harmful on a mission to Mars.
Body’s Touch Sensor Has A Previously Undiscovered Signal
Two tiny sensors of touch, Piezo1 and Piezo2, signal the lightest pressures and can be found monitoring the circulatory system, telling the body where its limbs are in space, and even sounding the alarm for bladder pressure. But a new study from Duke University shows that Piezo1 works differently than everyone thought.
State Gun Laws Have Mixed Impact on Suicide and Homicide Rates
A study from Duke Health researchers examining the relationship between gun laws and child deaths found that certain state gun laws are associated with decreased suicide rates for children under age 18, but the laws have little influence on homicide rates.
Temple Grandin Advocates for Different Kinds of Thinkers at Talk in Durham
Temple Grandin is a Distinguished Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University, is a renowned author and speaker on both farm animal welfare and her lived experience as an autistic person.
Commentary: The Crucial Role of Academic Medical Centers in Preparing for the Future of Health AI
In a commentary published by the North Carolina Medical Journal, Mary E. Klotman, MD, associate vice president for health affairs and dean of the School of Medicine, and Michael Pencina, PhD, Duke Health’s chief data scientist and vice dean for data science, describe how academic medical centers can maximize their potential and take a leading role in the responsible implementation of artificial intelligence in health care.
Why Aren’t More Boys Getting HPV Vaccines?
An emphasis on risks of the virus to women and girls may be helping drive lower rates of immunization among boys.
New $500K Duke Endowment Grant Will Support Health Professions Learners
Thanks to a generous grant from The Duke Endowment, the Office of Le Well in the Duke University School of Medicine (SOM) will undertake a project designed to help students succeed and thrive in their clinical learning programs.