Students must complete 38 credits as follows:
- Required coursework: 10 required courses: (34 credits)
- Selective concentration: (4 credits)
Fall Term (July - December)
- HLTHSCI 501 - Human Structure
- HLTHSCI 502 - Cellular Sciences
- HLTHSCI 504 - Essentials of Health Practice and Professional Development I
- HLTHSCI 518 - Evidence Based Clinical Practice
- HLTHSCI 509 - Medical Statistics
- HLTHSCI 511 - Enhancement EMT-Basic Training Course
- HLTHSCI 512 - EMT Clinicals I
Spring Term (January - May)
- HLTHSCI 503 - Organ Systems
- HLTHSCI 505 - Essentials of Health Practice and Professional Development II
- HLTHSCI 518 - Evidence Based Clinical Practice
- HLTHSCI 510 - Health Systems
- HLTHSCI 513 - EMT Clinicals II
Course Descriptions
The fundamental goal of this course is to provide an anatomical framework for understanding the form and function of the normal human body. In pursuing that goal, this course will expose students to principles that define critical thinking within the basic sciences. The knowledge students develop about anatomical relationships and structure and function can then be applied to problems of dysfunction that are relevant to clinical practice providing the foundation for success in other courses and in future studies. This goal will be achieved through a variety of team-centered and learner-focused experiences, including direct, active dissection of human cadavers, learner-centered investigation of intact and prosected human brain specimens, classroom presentation and discussion, and team-based learning activities. The team-based learning activities will emphasize applications that connect the dissection and didactic experience to larger problems in functional and clinical anatomy. With these goals in mind, the central theme of the course is gross human anatomy and the relationships between the musculoskeletal, neurological, and vascular systems of the human body. These relationships will be explored by dissection, examination, and integrative investigations of the morphology and function of the axial skeleton, upper and lower limbs, the central and peripheral nervous systems, and cardiac, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, urogenital and reproductive systems. This process will involve the instructional staff for gross anatomy in all aspects of the course, as well as course leaders from other courses in the Masters of Biomedical Sciences curriculum. The broader participation of program faculty will help integrate course content with larger curricular goals and objectives, including those pertaining to the Essentials of Health Practice and Professional Development —a unique feature of this approach that is typically absent from a traditional undergraduate course on human anatomy. Thus, this course will include a focus on the surface anatomy of the intact (living) human body and the palpation skills necessary to locate important bony landmarks, joint spaces, muscles, ligaments, bursae, nerves, and vessels as well as the anatomical correlates of many clinical procedures including venipuncture, tracheotomy, and fractures or joint displacement reduction. These areas highlight key aspects of human functional anatomy as they pertain to clinical practice and are critical for training and practice as emergency medical technicians (EMT). Therefore, content sequence and clinical correlations with the concurrent EMT-B course will be emphasized. Mode of instruction for this course will utilize the principles and practices of team-based learning, with students organized in small teams for readiness assurances, integrative team applications and guided discovery in laboratory experiences. Prerequisite: None. Credit: 5. (Degree Requirement) (Graded)
The goal of this course is to build a basic understanding of the molecular and cellular principles of tissue organization, organ function, and human disease. The course will include a survey of several perspectives on cellular sciences, including biochemistry, cell biology, cellular physiology, genetics, immunology, pharmacology, microanatomy, and the basic mechanisms of pathology. The integration of this content will emphasize the structure and function of the cells and tissues of the body, the relationships among the major classes of macromolecules in cellular systems, metabolic control mechanisms, and the biochemical basis of human diseases. A laboratory component provides an interactive experience using virtual microscopy to analyze the structure of normal and pathological cells and tissues. Mode of instruction for this course will utilize the principles and practices of team-based learning, with students organized in small teams for readiness assurances, integrative team applications and clinical correlations. Prerequisite: HLTHSCI 501. Credit: 5. (Degree Requirement) (Graded)
The goal of this course is to develop a conceptual model for understanding the physiology of major organ systems in the body, building upon the integration of human structure and cellular sciences. The focus of this course will be on the integrated function of organ systems in regulating the overall homeostasis of the human body, as well as the pathophysiological response of organ systems to injury and disease. The course will feature laboratory exercises, clinical correlations, and active learning experiences that incorporate exploration and dissection of fresh (non-preserved) human structures and non-human tissues. Mode of instruction will implement the principles and practices of team-based learning, with students organized in small teams for readiness assurances and integrative team applications. Prerequisite: HLTHSCI 502. Credit: 5. (Degree Requirement) (Graded)
This 2-semester longitudinal course is designed to enhance understanding of the meaning of illness, and the development of personal identity and professional formation in the aspiring health professional. Through training and practice as EMTs and regular small group seminars with mentoring faculty and advisers, the course stresses active learning in a supportive environment. Students will develop a core set of skills including improved insight and self-awareness, effective verbal and written communication, cultural humility, self-reflection and practice giving and receiving feedback. They will demonstrate self-care and resiliency, practice conflict management and critical conversations, explore career alternatives, practice teamwork, strategically plan their application processes and timelines, and practice interviewing. Corequisites: for 504, HLTHSCI 501; for 505, HLTHSCI 502. Credit: 2 each; 4 total. (Degree Requirement) (Pass/Fail)
This course covers statistical concepts that enable understanding of the medical literature including study design; summarizing and presenting data; relationships between two variables; probability and probability distributions; analysis of means, variance, covariance and proportions; correlation; regression; and power and sample size. Prerequisites: None. Credit: 4. (Degree Requirement) (Graded)
The US healthcare system is in the midst of a tumultuous transformation. The goals of this course are to understand the key principles on which the US healthcare system was established, how it functions today, and how to help it work successfully in the future. Students will review historical milestones and readings and discern with fellow students and faculty the underlying principles on which the US healthcare system is based; describe current principles and mechanisms of healthcare finance, healthcare delivery, and healthcare policy, and discuss how they impact health systems performance and health outcomes; and learn and utilize key quality improvement skills and methodologies, systems-based healthcare approaches, team function, behavior change theories and methodologies, project management, and interpersonal skills needed to improve population health outcomes, the experience of healthcare, and to reduce overall health/healthcare costs. Students will work in teams and submit a project proposal to improve the health of a specified population. Prerequisite: none. Credit 3. (Degree requirement) (Graded)
This course is designed to instruct a student to the level of Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (EMT-B), and will be concurrent with and supplemented by correlated content in the Human Structure and Cellular Sciences courses. The EMT-B serves as a vital link in the chain of the healthcare team. It is recognized that the majority of pre-hospital emergency medical care will be provided by the EMT-Basic. This includes all skills necessary for the individual to provide emergency medical care at a basic life support level with an ambulance service or other specialized service. Specifically, after successful completion of the course, the student will be capable of performing the following functions at the minimum entry level: recognize the nature and seriousness of the patient's condition or extent of injuries to assess requirements for emergency medical care; administer appropriate emergency medical care based on assessment findings of the patient's condition; lift, move, position and otherwise handle the patient to minimize discomfort and prevent further injury; and, perform safely and effectively the expectations of the job description. The EMT-B course will be conducted at our partner community college institution and students will be required to achieve a passing grade. EMT-B course failure will result in failure of HLTHSCI 511. Prerequisite: none. Credit: 1. (Degree Requirement) (Pass/Fail)
*Some course session are held off campus. Students are required to have reliable transportation.
This course builds on HLTHSCI511 and will ensure readiness to enter the clinical environment to practice at the level of an EMT-B. Students will be expected to demonstrate mastery of the EMT-B course material by passing the NC state EMT examination as well as completing the number of hours of clinical care required by the state of NC*. Upon completion of these requirements, student will then file for NC state EMT-B certification. Students who have completed a prior EMT Basic Training Course will be expected to participate in the clinical care component of this course. Students who provide documentation of active certification acceptable to the state of North Carolina will not have to sit for “recertification” and will be determined to have met the requirements of 512, receiving a passing grade. Prerequisite: HLTHSCI 511. Credit 1. (Degree requirement) (Pass/Fail)
*4 shifts are anticipated to be required for AY2023-4, however, the state sets these requirements and may change without notice.
*Clinical shifts are done off campus. Students are required to have reliable transportation.
This course continues the required clinical experiences through which students will demonstrate their mastery of the skills necessary to function as part of the health care team in providing emergency medical care at a basic life support level with an ambulance service or by participating in clinical care at an emergency department, urgent care, or other specialized service. The course will be concurrent with and supplemented by correlated content in the Organ Systems, Essentials of Health Practice and Professional Development, Health Systems, and Evidence Based Clinical Practice courses. The number of required hours of clinical care will be set by the course instructor. Prerequisite: HLTHSCI 512. Credit 2. (Degree requirement) (Pass/Fail)
*Clinical shifts are done off campus. Students are required to have reliable transportation.
The course will consist of introductory skills in searching, critically reading and interpreting the medical literature. Students will learn how to construct appropriate clinical questions to discover answers to challenging patient situations. The course will feature outside speakers who will provide expertise on current topics in medicine and health care delivery followed by interactive large and small group exercises. Corequisites: HLTHSCI 502 and 503. Credit: 4. (Degree Requirement) (Graded)