DSCB Faculty

DSCB-affiliated faculty use cutting-edge approaches to address research questions in development, stem cell biology, and regeneration.

About our faculty:  Our faculty have primary appointments in basic science and clinical departments at the School of Medicine, Biomedical Engineering and Department of Biology. Our faculty are highly collaborative. This enriches the training opportunities for DSCB students. Research of our faculty includes the range of classic model organisms (including S.cerevisiae, Dictyostelium, Arabidopsis, Drosophila, C. elegans, zebrafish, and mouse) as well as non-model organisms including stickleback, sea urchins and the red-eared slider turtle, T. scripta. Many of our faculty also use induced pluripotent stem cells, organoid models and human samples.

Criterion for membership:  In addition to pursuing relevant research for the DSCB mission, active mentors must maintain a strong training lab environment and complete required mentoring. In addition, they are expected to contribute to DSCB activities.

Laszlo Ormandy Distinguished Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Associate Professor of Biology
Donald and Elizabeth Cooke Distinguished Professor of Cancer Research, in the School of Medicine
Professor of Neurobiology
Professor of Biology
Assistant Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery
Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology