Event Registration and Post Event Data Collection

Below are some data collection questions for registration or during a post-event survey. Consider selecting questions that may be applicable or useful for understanding the important aspects of your specific event. Carefully select each question based on the utility of the data for planning the event, informing the evaluation of the event, and planning for future events. Ensure the capacity and skillset needed to analyze any results. Collect only the data you have the knowledge and capacity to use to improve future events and build rapport with participants.

Please indicate all accessibility requests you may need:

  • American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter
  • Assistive Listening System
  • Closed caption services
  • Elevator
  • Gender-neutral/family bathroom access
  • Language translator (please specify)
  • Mobility accessible space (please specify)
  • Seating request (please specify)
  • Fragrance-sensitive (please specify)

Do you have any dietary needs or allergen concerns?

  • Allergy (please specify)
    • Allergen:
    • Desired precaution(s) we can take to prevent allergen contact:
  • Gluten-free
  • Halal/Kosher
  • Lactose-free
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Another (please specify)
  • None

If you have allergies, please specify their severity.

  • Cannot eat or drink allergen
  • Cannot eat or drink food that has come into contact with allergen
  • Cannot be in the same room with allergen
  • Cannot be around people who have consumed allergen
  • Another response (please specify)

Do you have any childcare needs for this event?

  • Childcare (please specify)
  • Lactation space
  • Another need (please specify)
  • None

Would you like to register a caregiver or direct service professional to attend the event with you?

  • Yes (reroutes to a new registration page)
  • I am a caregiver or direct service professional for someone who has already registered (ends survey)
  • No (ends survey)

Sociodemographic characteristics, also known as demographics, are identities individuals may hold that are often connected to their culture, family, heritage, and background. These questions are informed by the American Psychological Association, American Sociological Association, and works from contemporary academic experts. Only collect the demographic information pertinent to your needs. 

Core Questions

The following four questions are commonly recommended to include in your event questionnaire to assess the population of your event.

Race (select all that apply)

  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Latino/a/e
  • Native Hawaiian or Another Pacific Islander
  • Native or Indigenous American, Alaska Native
  • White
  • None of these
  • Prefer not to say
  • Prefer to self-identify (please specify)

Ethnicity (select all that apply)

  • European white
  • Hispanic
  • Jewish
  • Middle Eastern or North African
  • Romani
  • Prefer to self-identify (please specify)


  • Cisgender woman (a woman who was assigned female at birth)
  • Cisgender man (a man who was assigned male at birth)
  • Transgender woman (a woman who was assigned something other than female at birth)
  • Transgender man (a man who was assigned something other than male at birth)
  • Nonbinary, genderfluid, or genderqueer
  • Prefer to self-identify (please specify)

Sexual Orientation

  • Asexual or on the ace scale
  • Bisexual or pansexual
  • Gay
  • Heterosexual or straight 
  • Lesbian
  • Queer
  • Prefer to self-identify (please specify) 

Additional Questions

The following questions may be added to your questionnaire based on your target audience or the event topic.

Legal Sex

  • Female
  • Male
  • Intersex

Were you born with a variation in your physical sex characteristics? This is sometimes called being intersex or having a difference in sex development (DSD). This may be known at birth or later in life.

  • No
  • I have been diagnosed with an intersex variation or difference in sex development (DSD)
  • I suspect I have an intersex variation or difference in sex development (DSD), but have not been diagnosed by a medical professional
  • I don’t know

Romantic orientation

  • Aromantic or on the arom scale
  • Biromantic or panromantic
  • Gay
  • Heteroromantic or straight 
  • Lesbian
  • Prefer to self-identify (please specify) 

Current partnership status

  • Single, not currently partnered
  • Partnered
  • Cohabitating with partner(s)
  • Married
  • Separated
  • Divorced
  • Widowed

Religious and/or spiritual identity

  • Agnostic
  • Atheist
  • Baptist
  • Catholic
  • Hindu
  • Jewish
  • Methodist
  • Mormon
  • Muslim
  • Sikh
  • Taoist
  • Another religion, spirituality, belief, or non-belief, please specify

Current ability status

  • I have a disability
  • I do not currently have a disability

Because you indicated you have a disability, please indicate which category your disability(ies) fall into:

  • Physical disability
  • Visual impairment
  • Learning disability
  • Behavioral or emotional disability
  • Sensory impaired conditions
  • Developmental disability

Are you a member of the D/deaf community?

  • Yes
  • No

Age range

  • Under 18
  • 18-25
  • 26-30
  • 31-35
  • 36-40
  • 41-45
  • 46-50
  • 51-55
  • 56-60
  • 61-65
  • 66-70
  • 71-75
  • Over 75

Household description

  • Working class
  • Lower middle class
  • Middle class
  • Upper middle class
  • Upper class

Compared to others within [the Duke community OR your unit/department], my job is perceived as:

  • Much less valuable
  • Somewhat less valuable
  • About the same value
  • Somewhat more valuable
  • Much more valuable

Highest level of education completed

  • Highschool diploma or less
  • Some college
  • Associates or vocational degree or certificate
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Master’s degree
  • Ph.D.
  • Terminal professional degree (MD, DO, JD, etc.)

Select all that apply:

  • I am a first-generation college student
  • I or a family member are alumni of Duke University
  • I am an international member of the Duke community

Before asking questions of respondents, begin the survey by clearly stating which event and hosting body. Then provide a brief summary of the reason for collecting this information. If applicable, state whether the survey will collect identifying information, such as a respondent’s name.

Example:  “Thank you for attending the [event title] hosted by [office, department, organization, or other body]. As a follow-up to the event, we invite you to share your feedback on the experience. This survey will not ask you to provide information about your name or other identifying characteristics. Thank you for your time in completing the survey!”

  1. How did you learn about the [event]? (Select all that apply)
    1. Newsletter
    2. Public calendar
    3. Colleague
    4. Supervisor
    5. Another source, please specify
  2. Which aspects of the event were most valuable to you? [short response]
  3. What could have been improved about the event? [short response]
  4. What topics would you recommend for future events? [short response]
  5. Is there anything else you would like to share with us? [short response]