About BioCoRE

Our Mission

The Duke BioCoRE (Biosciences Collaborative for Research Engagement) Program engages graduate students and faculty in a supportive community of scientists excited about the biosciences, and provides opportunities for student research and career development for all participants.

Our Mission is to promote the holistic development of scholars throughout their PhD training within the Duke University School of Medicine.

Below you will find which Biomedical PhD programs our scholars receive training.

BioCoRE Student Data by Admitting Program



Program Current Students Alumni PhD Alumni Masters TWD
B&B 0 1 1 1
Biochemistry 3 4 0 1
Biology 2 1 1 0
BME 1 14 1 0
CBB 1 2 0 0
Chemistry 0 4 1 0
CMB 14 12 3 0
CNAP 2 4 1 1
DSCB 14 6 0 0
IIB 7 3 1 1
ITEHP 4 2 1 0
MCB 3 4 0 1
Medical Physics 0 1 2 0
MGM 15 8 2 0
Neurobiology 13 7 0 1
Pathology 3 3 0 0
PCB 1 11 1 2
PHS 3 0 0 0
PNS 0 2 0 0
UPGG 4 8 0 0

For Prospective Students

BioCoRE is a program designed to unify and enrich the bioscience community across the School of Medicine. The program was funded from 2013-2019 by an NIH Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) award and is currently being supported by the Duke University School of Medicine. Our office works closely with the Office of Biomedical Graduate Education (OBGE) to support students for the entire duration of their training.

BioCoRE is the signature graduate student development initiative under the umbrella of the IDEALS Office charge to unify, expand and enhance the School of Medicine’s inclusion initiatives for graduate students and postdoctoral appointees in biomedical research. Our student participants are simultaneous citizens of the Duke Graduate School, the Duke School of Medicine, their prospective training programs, and BioCoRE.

A pool of Scholars are selected annually from a competitive pool of applicants from all backgrounds and indentities. Prospective students from underrepresented and/or marginalized communities within the biosciences are strongly encouraged to apply. Diversity is considered in a broad sense (racial, ethnic, first generation, life experiences, religion, disadvantaged backgrounds, disabilities, LGBT). 

Students admitted to BioCoRE will be asked to participate in our Early Start program to ensure that they are ready for life as a graduate student. 

To be considered, applicants must be admitted to one of the biomedical PhD programs in the School of Medicine. Admitted students should automatically be invited to apply for BioCoRE through the graduate application portal.