
Below is information regarding all of SoM HPC policies

The SRCC follows and expects staff and users of our services to follow FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. We also expect staff and users to understand and abide by all data management, access, and data sharing requirements imposed on any data stored in our environments by Duke University, federal agencies or by agreed upon Data Use Agreements between Duke and other institutions. These include, but are not limited to:

NOTE: for NIH-controlled access data (such as dbGap data), staff and users will abide by the applicable policies re: access, removal and destruction of the data per the NIH .  This requires confirmation of data destruction by the Institutional Signing Official. Failure to submit a renewal or to complete a close-out process may result in suspension by the NI of the PI and all associated personnel and collaborators from submitting new access requests for a period of time.

OASIS RTS provides high-performance computing (HPC) resources to support the mission of the Duke School of Medicine, including research and education. These resources include high-performance computing nodes (CPU and GPU), storage (computable and file storage), and research computing support services.

Researchers using OASIS RTS systems, including HPC systems, must comply with RTS usage and Duke Health security policies. These policies include adherence to quotas, queuing policies, security training, password policies, and account management policies. (https://security.duke.edu/policies-procedures-and-standards/)

In addition, we ask that all users of the SRCC clusters agree to and abide by the following guidelines:

Access to the HPC Clusters:

  • All users must have a Duke Health (DHE) Active Directory account. Non-Duke users or Duke staff, faculty or students can be sponsored for a DHE account by your PI or departmental business manager.  Sponsored Accounts (duke.edu)
  • You cannot share your NETID and password with another users.
  • All users must have an account on CoreResearch@Duke.
  • Deliberate or inadvertent misuse of the cluster’s resources may result in your associated accounts being locked, your running jobs canceled, and your access to the cluster terminated.
  • Your email address will automatically be added to the SRCC HPC listservs when your account is created. You may unsubscribe yourself at any time; however, we recommend that you stay subscribed to receive critical announcements regarding service availability, maintenance, and updates.

Data Management and Storage:

  • Users are responsible for the data they introduce to the cluster(s) and must follow all applicable Duke (including IRB), school, and departmental policies on data management and data use.
  • Data storage on the cluster is restricted to active research. Please use other Duke data storage services suitable for your data classification to store your research data on a long-term basis.
  • Use the scratch storage space conscientiously; please delete files when they are no longer needed.
  • Data stored on the RCC cluster’s scratch space will be removed for files that have not been accessed in 60 days.
    • Project team members will receive an email notification one week prior to their files being deleted from the scratch space.
    • OASIS team will work with study team on storage options  
  • Users may not run “touch” commands or similar commands for the purpose of altering their files' timestamps to circumvent the file deletion policy.
  • Files that are larger than the combined project-based quota (10/30/70TB) or that need to be backed-up or kept long-term should be saved to storage services such as the DHTS Isilon file shares, AWS S3, or Azure Blob containers.

Running Jobs on the Cluster:

  • If you plan to submit a large number of jobs on the cluster and have never done this before, please contact the SRCC for guidance. Jobs that crash the scheduler will be deleted from the system and in some circumstances your access to the cluster may be suspended until this is resolved.
  • Users of the cluster agree to only run jobs that relate to the research mission of Duke University. Use of the cluster for the following activities is prohibited:
    • Financial gain
    • Commercial or business use
    • Unauthorized use or storage of copyright-protected or proprietary resources
    • Unauthorized mining of data on or off campus (including many web scraping techniques)