Nicchitta named New Associate Dean for Research Training

Christopher Nicchitta, PhD, has been named the new associate dean for research training for the Duke University School of Medicine. Dr. Nicchitta began his service as associate dean on August 25, 2014.
“We want to thank Dona Chikaraishi, PhD, who has provided outstanding service as associate dean for biomedical graduate education and leadership services since 2008 and as associate director of the Medical Scientist Training Program since 2006,” said Nancy C. Andrews, MD, PhD, dean, Duke University School of Medicine, and Raphael Valdivia, PhD, vice dean for basic science, Duke University School of Medicine. Dr. Chikaraishi will remain in her current role this year as she aids Dr. Nicchitta’s transition into his new responsibilities.
As associate dean for research training, Dr. Nicchitta will oversee the School of Medicine’s biomedical PhD programs and develop new initiatives to broaden research training opportunities, improve the quality of the training programs, and prepare our students for a changing employment landscape. His duties will include serving as the vice dean’s liaison to the Graduate School, directors of graduate studies, program directors, and the faculty. In addition, Dr. Nicchitta will oversee the Office for Biomedical Graduate Diversity and the Office for Postdoctoral Affairs.
Dr. Nicchitta is a professor in the Department of Cell Biology, with a joint appointment in the Department of Biochemistry. He served as the director of graduate studies for the Department of Cell Biology from 2006 – 2012, participated in the 2004 Foundation for Excellence interdisciplinary redesign of the medical school basic science first year curriculum, and served on the Executive Committee of the Graduate Faculty. He is currently course director for the CMB training grant core curriculum course and a member of the CMB Executive Committee. Dr. Nicchitta is a permanent member of the NIH Biomedical Research and Research Training study section. In addition, Dr. Nicchitta was the 2013 winner of the Gordon G. Hammes Faculty Teaching Award.
