Call for Applications for Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists at Duke

     The School of Medicine Office for Faculty is now accepting applications for the Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists at Duke. Established by a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and supported by Dean Mary Klotman, the Fund provides supplements of up to $30,000-$50,000 as funds allow to clinician-scientists with significant caregiving responsibilities. Supplements are for 1 year, with the option to apply for a second year. This application cycle is for funding from January 1-December 31, 2019.

     Fund supplements are designed to address the critical challenge of working to establish research independence during periods when caregiving needs may be least flexible. Awards can be used in a variety of ways to support the applicant’s scholarly work. Possible uses of funds include:

  • Research personnel
  • Duke Office of Clinical Research (DOCR) services
  • Biostatistical support
  • Access to core facilities (see complete program information for restrictions on use of animal tissues)
  • Other support as proposed by the applicant

     Applicants must be junior faculty (medical instructor or assistant professor) with an MD/DO degree and a primary faculty appointment in a School of Medicine department. They must have existing funding for their research, including salary support. All applicants must demonstrate a compelling need for the supplement that is related to being a caregiver.

     Applications are online and include 1) an application form, 2) statement of individual need rooted in caregiving responsibilities, 3) research plan, 4) biosketch, 5) proposed budget for the supplement, 6) chair/chief letter of support.


Applications are due August 31, 2018.


Please e-mail the Office for Faculty no later than July 31, 2018 to let us know you plan to apply.

Click here for complete program information, eligibility criteria, and application instructions.

Please note: the impact of this program will be evaluated as part of an IRB approved research study by investigators at University of Michigan Health System (study #HUM00111446). As part of your application to the Fund, the following information will be collected and shared with the study team 1) demographics and basic job characteristics, 2) objective funding and publication data, and 3) the selection committee’s perception of your academic accomplishments, your academic potential, and your need for this award. You will also be invited to complete a baseline survey about factors that may influence career trajectories. Follow up evaluation activities will include voluntary surveys and/or interviews, as well as passive collection of statistics regarding your promotion and retention outcomes. Unless you choose not to be included, all Fund applicants – regardless of selection status – will be included in the evaluation study.

Questions? Contact the Office for Faculty at or 919-684-4139.
