Barton F. Haynes, MD, HS’73-’75, is the Frederic M. Hanes Distinguished Professor of Medicine, professor of integrative immunology and global health and, for 34 years, director of the Duke Human Vaccine Institute (DHVI). He is an internationally recognized researcher who has expanded our understanding of fundamental immune regulation and its role in disease pathogenesis and vaccine development. Haynes’s early work on the biology of the thymus led to discoveries with Louise Markert, PhD’81, MD’82, HS’82-’87, that enabled successful thymus transplantation in children born without a thymus.
“In recognition of his lifetime contributions in science and leadership that have contributed significantly to the fields of T-cell immunology, retrovirology, and HIV, Dr. Haynes is beyond deserving of this award.”
–Nomination letter
Haynes has worked for four decades on developing a vaccine for HIV and has received three large grants from the National Institutes of Health, known as the Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology series of grants. His current research investigates the role of antibodies in protection from HIV infection.
Haynes and his team have also worked to develop coronavirus vaccines and therapeutics to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. DHVI teams are developing novel approaches to tuberculosis control and helping to develop a “universal” flu vaccine.
Previous positions at Duke include chief of the Division of Rheumatology and Immunology, chair of the Department of Medicine, and chief of staff at Duke Hospital. Honors include the Alexander Fleming Award from the Infectious Disease Society of America; the Lee Howley Prize from the Arthritis Foundation; the Ralph Steinman Award for Human Immunology Research from the American Association of Immunology; the Duke University Diversity Award for Commitment to Improving Ethnic and Gender Diversity; and election to the National Academy of Medicine, National Academy of Inventors, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Education: Baylor College of Medicine
House Staff Training: Duke University School of Medicine
Fellowship Training: National Institutes of Health, NIAID, Laboratory of Clinical Investigation
Primary Titles: Frederic M. Hanes Distinguished Professor of Medicine; Director, Duke Human Vaccine Institute
Story originally published in DukeMed Alumni News, Spring 2024.
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