Event sponsored by:
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Neurology
Psychology and Neuroscience
School of Medicine (SOM)
Garrett, Angela
Stewart "Stew" Shankman, PhD
Dr. Shankman is Professor and Chief Psychologist at Northwestern University, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. His research focuses on the relation between depression and anxiety disorders (i.e., internalizing psychopathologies), with an emphasis on neurobehavioral processes that are common vs. specific emotional between the two. Internalizing psychopathologies are serious and prevalent public health problems with an economic burden of hundreds of billions of dollars that is increasing in recent years. While moderately efficacious treatments have been developed for these conditions (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapies, SSRIs), treatment response is very heterogeneous. Our group's research attempts to improve our understanding of internalizing psychopathologies and their risk factors so that (a) more effective interventions and preventative strategies can be developed for specific people, (b) identify specific targets for those intervention and prevention efforts, and (c) develop and test novel interventions to help people suffering from these conditions. Currently, Dr. Shankman is the Principal Investigator and co-investigator on multiple NIH-funded projects utilizing multiple methods (e.g., fMRI, electrophysiology, laboratory behavioral paradigms, treatment development, etc).
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