Event sponsored by:
Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI)
School of Medicine (SOM)
Kessenich, Alexis
Dr. Agnes Binagwaho and Dr. Paul Farmer
Global health crises require global responses. But in the effort to control COVID-19, rising tides of nationalism have threatened collective action and deepened health inequities for many countries. In the face of these challenges to global health solidarity, the Duke Global Health Institute presents a probing discussion with two of the world's preeminent global health experts -Dr. Agnes Binagwaho and Dr. Paul Farmer - on how the world failed to cooperate to fight the pandemic and how to chart a new vision to achieve health equity.
This interactive webinar will span two continents, with our featured speakers appearing at the University of Global Health Equity in Butaro, Rwanda. Dr. Gavin Yamey, professor of the practice of global health and public policy, will moderate the conversation from Duke, fielding questions from the online audience. Attendees will join using Zoom webinar, space permitting.
Register now to watch the lecture virtually: https://duke.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YxhPxg9bQ-6GWMNh_RP2LA
The Victor J. Dzau Distinguished Lecture in Global Health is the highest-profile annual event sponsored by the Duke Global Health Institute. The lecture was established in 2017 with a gift from Victor J. Dzau, former chancellor for health affairs at Duke University and currently the president of the National Academy of Medicine, along with matching funds from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Victor J. Dzau Distinguished Lecture in Global Health