Event sponsored by:
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Neurology
School of Medicine (SOM)
Lefebvre, Cathy
Dilip V. Jeste, MD
Dilip V. Jeste, MD is President-Elect of the World Federation for Psychotherapy, & Editor-in-Chief of the International Psychogeriatrics. He is Former Senior Associate Dean for Healthy Aging and Senior Care and Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry & Neurosciences at University of California San Diego. He obtained his medical education in Pune and psychiatry training in Mumbai, India. In the US, he completed his psychiatry residency at Cornell, and Neurology residency at George Washington University. He was a research fellow, and later, Chief of the Units on Movement Disorders and Dementias at NIMH before joining UC San Diego where he worked for 36 years. Dr. Jeste has been PI on many research and training grants, mostly from NIH and the VA. His main areas of research include schizophrenia, neuropsychiatric interventions, and healthy aging. He has published 14 books, over 750 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and 160+ invited book chapters. He is Past President of the APA, American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, West Coast College of Biological Psychiatry, and Founding President of International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology. Dr. Jeste is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and past member of the NIMH Advisory Council and NIH Council of Councils. He is Past Editor-in-Chief of The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. He was listed in "The Best Doctors in America" and in the Institute of Scientific Information list of the "world's most cited authors" comprising fewer than 0.5% percent of all publishing researchers of the previous two decades. Dr. Jeste has received many awards including NIMH's MERIT Award; Commendation for Dedicated Service from the VA; and awards from Society of Biological Psychiatry, APA, Institute of Living, American College of International Physicians, NAMI, NARSAD, American College of Psychiatrists; International Psychogeriatric Association; Universities of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Maryland, and Cornell. He has received Honorary Fellowship, the highest honor it bestows, from UK's Royal College of Psychiatrists; and Honorary Professorship from Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru. He has been a TEDMED speaker. His work has been cited in Time, The Atlantic, New York Times, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The London Times, Public Radio International, NPR, and various other national and international media outlets.
Link to join: https://duke.zoom.us/j/93795832580
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds