Bio-sampling & Experimental Pathology in Support of Animal Studies: How to Enhance Reproducibility and Quality

September 16, 2024
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Hock Auditorium

Event sponsored by:

Duke Office of Scientific Integrity (DOSI)
Duke Office of Research Initiatives
Graduate School
Office for Research and Innovation
Office of Research Support (ORS)
School of Medicine (SOM)


Rebecca Bacon



Rebecca Bacon, DVM PhD DACVP
Register: Click Here This event is an introduction for investigators working with animal models who are looking to obtain reproducible data from tissue-based endpoints. This event is open to students, postdoctoral fellows, staff, and faculty who sample tissues from common small and large animal models. Attendees will receive information on resources available to support campus projects involving experimental pathology. Participation in this event fulfills the RCR-200 requirement for Faculty and Staff and the 714 RCR credit for graduate students. Contact: Rebecca Bacon