Piloting a Leadership Group Coaching Program for Pediatric Division Chiefs


A pilot group coaching program for division chiefs in the department of pediatrics led to increased leadership knowledge and self-efficacy across multiple domains. Results of the pilot program* were presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies meeting in May by Vice Dean for Faculty Mara Becker, MD, MSCE, and Department of Pediatrics Vice Chair for Faculty Katy Bartlett, MD.

The program included six, 2-hour sessions over 3 months, with a combination of didactic content and discussion of real-time challenges. Mira Brancu, PhD, Founder and CEO of Towerscope, developed the program’s leadership pathway model and facilitated the sessions.

A mixed-methods evaluation led by Jessica Sperling, PhD, Director of Applied Research, Evaluation, & Engagement in Duke University’s Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), found that participating leaders grew their leadership skillset and formed a community of peers beneficial for navigating shared challenges. The program will be expanded in fall 2024 to pilot inclusion of division chiefs from multiple departments.

Jessica Schonberg, MEd, from the Office for Faculty, and Victoria Lee, PhD, from SSRI contributed to these findings.


*Results of the pilot program
