Comparing PA Programs: A Spreadsheet


It’s that time of year again; the CASPA application opens at the end of this month!

Last week was the annual North Carolina Health Professions Fair Week. We visited seven schools across the state, from Wilmington to Boone, and many places in between. One thing we heard from quite a few students was how helpful our school comparison spreadsheet is in their planning.

Every PA program has slightly different requirements, as well as different costs, locations, and amenities. It’s hard to keep up!

We have mentioned it in other blog posts, but this seems like the perfect time to highlight it directly.

There is a more comprehensive online version that you can download and edit to add or subtract rows, and there is a shorter, printable version to take with you.

We hope this helps in your journey to becomming a PA!


Click on the thumbnail to download the entire spreadsheet

Screenshot thumbnail of comparison spreadsheet


Or click here for the printable version


The Duke Physician Assistant Program Admissions Blog presents information based on the experiences of Duke PA Program staff and faculty. While the information provided is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication, requirements can change. Please visit the Duke PA Program website for the most up-to-date information.

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