Have you seen the Iwama Mamas play? The team is a group of Duke OTD students who participate in Duke Intramural Sports’ basketball, flag football, soccer, and pickleball games.
The Iwama Mamas just wrapped up the flag football and pickleball season but are looking forward to a soccer playoff game at 9:30 a.m., Sunday, Nov. at Cohan Fields. Next semester, basketball and pickleball will resume.
“I think the experience is truly the best part about being on the Iwama Mamas, it’s a pretty consistent group that participates in all the sports and it is always a fun time even though we’ve only won one game,” said Scotti Russel.
Kathleen Pittman serves as the captain of the team which is named for faculty member, Michael Iwama, PhD, MSc, BScOT. Cami Wolff runs the team’s Instagram account.
“I think our favorite experience is just collectively every time Dr. Iwama comes out to support all our games. He has been supportive in our lives both in class and outside. He really wants us to succeed in everything we do, even if it is something as simple as playing intramurals,” said Danna Atway.
The Iwama Mamas' first basketball game was against OTD’s Class of 2024 which were aptly named the Dr. Hoopers. Nearly all OTD 2025 students came out to support the new team.
All OTD students are welcome to join Iwama Mamas! Reach out to Kathleen Pittman or Scotti Russell if you are interested. If you are not interested in playing, come out to cheer them on and follow them on IG @iwamamamas where they post updates, livestreams, and fun pictures.