The School of Medicine Office for Faculty is pleased to announce the 2024 ADVANCE-UP Scholars!
ADVANCE-UP (Academic DeVelopment Advocacy Networking, Coaching and Education for Underrepresented Populations) is a year-long program that provides in-depth opportunities for academic development, mentoring, and networking for faculty from underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds. The program aims to address the challenges that underrepresented faculty encounter in academic medical centers and ultimately seeks to create a network of scholars that will enhance the sense of community among underrepresented faculty, foster timely promotion, and increase representation in leadership positions.
ADVANCE-UP 2024 Scholars

- Tiffany Covas, MD, Assistant Professor, Family Medicine & Community Health
- Akayla Gillians, MD, Clinical Associate, Anesthesiology
- Ceshae Harding, MD, Medical Instructor, Medicine
- Stephanie Hargrove, PhD, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Martha Kenney, MD, Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology
- Mia Mallory, MD, Associate Professor, Pediatrics
- Tyson Pankey, PhD, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Jannylle Pitter, EdD, OT, Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy Doctorate
- Tarshona Stevens, MD, Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
- Sophia Weinmann, MD, Assistant Professor, Medicine
- Kevin Williams, MD, Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
- Jason Williams, MD, Assistant Professor, Pediatrics