Contact Information:
female, she/her/hers, African-American, first-generation college grad, serial social entrepreneur, coach/mentor for underrepresented groups
Occupational roles: listening to music, writing and reciting poetry, reading, spending time with family, renovating houses
Dr. Tomeico Faison has been an occupational therapist in NC for 20 years, serving as a leader in innovative entrepreneurial endeavors for underserved populations. She is the CEO of Therapeutic Solutions (therapeuticsolutionsofnc.com), Low Vision Rehab Solutions (lowvisionrehabsolutions.com) and Faison Consulting (faisonconsulting.com). She is also the co-founder of Therapeutic Solutions Outreach, Inc, a small nonprofit that provides funds and devices for persons in need with financial hardship.
Upon noting that the majority of her consulting clients were Black OTs who expressed concern about not knowing many Black OTs in leadership positions, she started a podcast, Therapy Entrepreneurs and Leaders of Color, to showcase people of color who are leading in the profession.
She serves as a faculty member in the new Duke OTD program with a role that focuses on recruitment and retention of students from underrepresented groups, curriculum writing, and specialty certificates (low vision rehab and Innovation and Entrepreneurship).
Dr. Faison earned her BS and MS from UNC-Chapel Hill in Radiologic Science and Occupational Therapy respectively and has a certificate in Low Vision Rehab from UAB and in Business Coaching from NC State University. She recently received a clinical doctoral degree in occupational therapy with an emphasis on social entrepreneurship from Boston University.
Her life mission is to help at least one million social entrepreneurs and leaders who help underserved populations.