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Rachel Johnson, PhD, RAC is a Senior Regulatory Affairs Scientist in the Office of Regulatory Affairs and Quality (ORAQ) within the Duke University School of Medicine. In this role, Dr. Johnson is responsible for providing support and guidance to investigators and regulatory study coordinators regarding the regulatory requirements relevant to their research study activities. She performs a variety of services including regulatory education, regulatory consultation, and support for regulatory submissions. Dr. Johnson is also involved in the implementation of operational initiatives within ORAQ.
Dr. Johnson received her undergraduate degree in biochemistry from Clemson University. She conducted her graduate research at Duke University, where she earned her PhD in Molecular Cancer Biology. During her graduate training, Dr. Johnson was the recipient of a James B. Duke Fellowship, a Ruth L. Kirschstein-NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship, and a Robert J. Fitzgerald Scholar Award. After her graduate studies, Dr. Johnson spent two years as a Regulatory Coordinator at the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke University. Dr. Johnson holds the Regulatory Affairs Certification (RAC) from the Regulatory Affairs Professional Society.