Dr. Leonor Corsino is a Board- Certified Adult Endocrinologist and an experienced physician-scientist, organizational, and health professions education leader. She offers an extensive and diverse leadership background with a successful implementation of innovative programs in clinical, research, workforce development, and education. Her expertise and strengths lie in her diverse portfolio that expands from basic science to clinical and community-engaged research, innovative curriculum development, successful clinical program implementation, and collaborations.
Dr. Corsino's research focuses on diabetes, obesity, and related complications and health disparities with a particular interest in Hispanic/Latino populations. She has successfully lead and extensively collaborates with investigators locally, nationally, and internationally. Her research and contribution have been recognized locally and at the national levels with many awards including the NIH/NIDDK Network of Minority Health Research Investigators medallion.
Dr. Corsino comes with extensive leadership experience including roles as Executive Committee and Associate Director of the Duke School of Medicine Masters of Biomedical Science (MBS), Co-Director for the Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute - Community Engagement Core / Community-Engaged Research Initiative (CERI), Co-Director, Education and Training Sub-core, Duke Center for REsearch to AdvanCe Healthcare Equity, Director/ Duke Population Health Improvement Initiative Program, Associate Chair for the Department of Medicine Minority Recruitment and Retention Committee, and Associate Director for the Duke School of Medicine Office of Faculty Mentoring Training.
Dr. Corsino leadership lead to the successful development and implementation of unique and innovative programs including the Duke MBS program selective curriculum, the REACH Equity Summer Undergraduate Research Program (RESURP), the CTSI/CERI Population Health Improvement Award, E-library, consultation services and the interactive platform for the Duke Population Health Improvement Program.
Her visionary and innovative initiatives have enhanced patient care, population health, and the recruitment, training, development, and support of health professions students, residents, fellows, and junior faculty having a significant, palpable and impressive impact of the diversity of health profession workforce and health disparities research.