Contact Information:
- Ph.D. 2013 – Duke University
- North Carolina STEM Alliance – Bridges to Baccalaureate Program awarded by National Science Foundation 2014-2021
- F31 Award: NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Predoctoral Fellowship Award to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research awarded by National Institutes of Health 2010-2013
Gardner KAJA, Osawa M, Erickson HP (2017) Whole genome re-sequencing to identify suppressor mutations of mutant and foreign Escherichia coli FtsZ. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0176643.
Arkus Gardner KAJ, Moore DA, Erickson HP (2013) The C-terminal linker of Escherichia coli FtsZ Functions as an Intrinsically Disordered Peptide. Mol. Micro 89: 264-75 PMID: 23714328
Galant A, Arkus KAJ, Zubieta C, Cahoon RE, Jez JM (2009) Structural basis for evolution of product diversity in soybean glutathione biosynthesis. Plant Cell 21: 3450-8 PMID: 19948790.
Schroeder AC, Zhu C, Yanamadala SR, Cahoon RE, Arkus KAJ, Wachsstock L, Bleeke J, Krishnan HB, Jez JM (2009) Threonine-insensitive homoserine dehydrogenase from soybean: genomic organization, kinetic mechanism, and in vivo activity. J Biol Chem. 285: 827-34 PMID: 19897476.
Zubieta C, Arkus KAJ, Cahoon RE, Jez JM (2008) A single amino acid change is responsible for evolution of acyltransferase specificity in bacterial methionine biosynthesis. J Biol Chem. 283: 7561-7.
Arkus KAJ, Jez JM (2008) An integrated protein chemistry lab module: chlorophyll and chlorophyllase. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Educ. 36: 125-128
Arkus KAJ, Jez JM (2006) Development of a high-throughput purification method and a continuous assay for chlorophyllase. Anal. Biochem. 353: 93-98
Arkus KAJ, Cahoon EB, Jez JM (2005) Mechanistic analysis of wheat chlorophyllase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 438: 146-155