Geeta K. Swamy, MD

Geeta Swamy, MD
Executive Vice Dean for Clinical Sciences and Research Administration, School of Medicine, Associate Vice President for Research, Duke University

Geeta Swamy, MD, Haywood Brown, MD Distinguished Professor of Women’s Health, serves as Executive Vice Dean for Clinical Sciences & Research Administration for the Duke University School of Medicine and Associate Vice President for Research for Duke University. In these roles, Dr. Swamy oversees central operations aligned with clinical departments and research centers, facilitating research priorities in collaboration with clinical chairs and vice chairs, and managing research administration and compliance. She works closely with leadership across the Duke Health Integrated Practice (DHIP) and Duke University Health System (DUHS) on areas that intersect with the academic missions. She collaborates with leaders across the Duke University campus to provide a consistent vision for research administration, operations, quality, and accountability. Her responsibilities include overseeing pre- and post-award management for sponsored grants and contracts, human research, research quality, compliance, and integrity, conflict of interest, and other regulatory areas. As a highly accomplished clinician-scientist, Dr. Swamy’s research specializes in perinatal infection, maternal immunization, and complications of pregnancy.