Susanna Naggie, MD

Dr. Susanna Naggie has been instrumental not only in her Iindfectious Disease) ID clinician role and caring for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, but also as a leader for clinical research. She has been the connection to Duke Health that has allowed research to pivot to virtual work, keep study participants and staff safe, establishing risk-based strategies, and launching central support for COVID-19 research across Duke. She leveraged a solid infrastructure for clinical research support through the Duke Office of Clinical Research (DOCR) and the Clinical Research Units. She has a ton on her plate, but has led us through these unprecedented times with tenacity and grace. Kudos, Dr. Naggie, and thank you for your partnership to allow our clinical research engine to keep on chugging!

Nominated by: Denise Snyder

Sunday, April 5, 2020

In addition to Dr. Susanna Naggie's usual responsibilities as a physician, researcher, and Associate Dean, she has been leading the effort to manage clinical research in this time of limiting unnecessary exposure to patients and research participants. But that's not all. She has continued to coordinate the rapid development and implementation of multiple observational and interventional trials for COVID-19 as well as care for patients at the Durham Veteran Affairs (VA). The Duke community is incredibly fortunate to have her on our team!

Nominated by: Geeta Swamy, MD

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