More than 430 students from all over the country started their health professions careers at Duke University School of Medicine this month.
MD Students
- 119 Students
- 70 Women, 49 Men
- 34 Under Represented Minorities
- Representing 38 States and 62 Schools
Physician Assistant Program
- 90 Students
- 64 Women, 26 Men
- 13 Under Represented Minorities
- Representing 25 States and 237 Schools
Doctor of Physical Therapy
- 76 students
- 51 Women, 25 Men
- 9 Under Represented Minorities
- Representing 28 States and 56 Schools
Master of Biomedical Science
- 42 students
- 19 women, 23 men
- Representing 18 States and 32 schools
Pathologists’ Assistant
- 8 Students
- 5 women, 3 men
- Representing 7 States and 8 Schools
PhD Matriculants in 17 Programs
- 96 Students
- 50 Women, 46 Men