School of Medicine Faculty Honored at 2019 Spring Meeting

On Wednesday, May 8th, faculty and staff gathered at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens for the 2019 Spring Faculty Meeting, hosted by Dean Mary Klotman.  Faculty were recognized with the following awards:

Dean Mary Klotman at the podium

Mary E. Klotman, MD, Dean of the School of Medicine

Master Clinician/Teacher Awards

Presented by Edward Buckley, MD, Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology and Vice Dean for Education, School of Medicine

The Master Clinician/Teacher Awards exist to honor individuals with superlative accomplishment and service in the areas of clinical care and teaching. Awards are given to recognize clinical practitioners who exemplify the highest standards of clinical care, pedagogy, and professionalism or to basic scientists who achieve distinction in pedagogy and professionalism.

Murat O. Arcasoy, MD, Professor of Medicine

Murat O. Arcasoy, MD, Professor of Medicine


Jonathan B. Mark, MD Professor of Anesthesiology Assistant Professor of Medicine

Jonathan B. Mark, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology, Assistant Professor of Medicine


Chetan B. Patel, MD Associate Professor of Medicine

Chetan B. Patel, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine


Joanne P. Wilson, MD, Professor of Medicine

Joanne P. Wilson, MD, Professor of Medicine

Michelle P. Winn Inclusive Excellence Award

Presented by Judy Seidenstein, Chief Diversity Officer

The Michelle P. Winn Inclusive Excellence Award, established by the Duke University School of Medicine’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion, recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to diversity and inclusion within the Duke School of Medicine community.  The intent is to honor both faculty and staff who have exemplified a commitment to excellence, innovation, and leadership through creating a more diverse and inclusive environment.  

Erica Taylor, MD Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

Erica Taylor, MD, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery


Gordon G. Hammes Faculty Teaching Award

Presented by, Ann M. Reed, MD, Chair, Department of Pediatrics

The Gordon G. Hammes Faculty Teaching Award is intended to recognize continuing excellence in teaching and mentoring, and exemplary commitment to the education of graduate students within Basic Science Departments and Graduate Training Programs of the School of Medicine.  The nominees and winner are selected by a graduate student committee. 

 Lindarc Award picked up by

Corinne M. Linardic, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
(presented to Dr. Lars Wagner in her absence)

Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award

Presented by Moira Rynn, MD, Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

The Arnold P. Gold Foundation, Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award has been established in honor of Leonard Tow, a lifelong student and teacher, to recognize compassion and sensitivity in the delivery of healthcare.  As a role model for many, Leonard has lived his life with great compassion and empathy for others.  


Damon S. Tweedy, MD Associate Professor of Psychiatry and  Behavioral Sciences

Damon S. Tweedy, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and  Behavioral Sciences

Leonard Palumbo, Jr., MD Faculty Achievement Award

The Leonard Palumbo, Jr., MD Faculty Achievement Award has been established in honor of Dr. Palumbo (T’42, M.D.’44, HS’44-50) through a special endowment from his brother, Mr. E. Arthur Palumbo (T’49).   It specially honors two exemplary dimensions of Dr. Palumbo's life: compassionate patient care and excellence in the mentoring of young physicians.  The Award is given annually to one or more members of the School of Medicine Faculty who best display understanding and dedication to compassionate patient care, and excellence in the teaching and mentoring of young physicians—individuals who have truly made a difference.

Bradley H. Collins, MD, FACS Associate Professor of Surgery

Bradley H. Collins, MD, FACS, Associate Professor of Surgery
Presented by Allan D. Kirk, MD, PhD, FACS, Chair, Department of Surgery 


Susan G. Kreissman, MD Professor of Pediatrics

Susan G. Kreissman, MD, Professor of Pediatrics
Presented by Ann M. Reed, MD, Chair, Department of Pediatrics

The Ruth and A. Morris Williams, Jr. Faculty Research Prize

Presented by Scott Soderling, PhD, Chair, Department of Cell Biology

The Ruth and A. Morris Williams, Jr. Faculty Research Prize was established in May 2001 by Duke University Trustee Emeritus, A. Morris Williams, Jr., T’62, MA’63, and
his wife Ruth Whitmore Williams, WC’63, to recognize young researchers’ critical needs for project funding.

The Williams prize is presented annually to a faculty member at the Duke University School of Medicine who demonstrates the intellectual vigor, dedication, and scientific ingenuity needed to make a critical impact on the future of medical research. The prize provides a personal award and laboratory stipend to a faculty member 45 years
of age or younger to support innovative and high-risk projects. This year’s prize is in the category of clinical science.

Cagla Eroglu, PhD Associate Professor of Cell Biology Associate Professor of Neurobiology

Cagla Eroglu, PhD, Associate Professor of Cell Biology, Associate Professor of Neurobiology

Whitehead Scholar

Since 1991, the Whitehead Scholars Program, supported through a 1983 gift of the Whitehead Charitable Foundation, has helped attract and nurture the most promising biomedical researchers to the faculty at Duke University School of Medicine. The Whitehead Charitable Foundation recognized that the advancement of biomedical research requires a renewable resource of outstanding academic investigators and that leading academic medical centers need the ability to attract and nurture the most promising scientists as faculty members. With their gift, the foundation further recognized that Duke University was well positioned to provide the environment and resources necessary to develop the next generation of national leaders in emerging areas of biomedical research. The Whitehead Scholars are generally junior faculty recruited to Duke who have exceptional potential for research and research training in the biomedical sciences.

Yarui Diao, PhD, Assistant Professor of Cell Biology and Orthopaedic Surgery

Yarui Diao, PhD, Assistant Professor of Cell Biology and Orthopaedic Surgery
Presented by Scott Soderling, PhD, Chair, Department of Cell Biology


Anita Disney, PhD, Instructor in the Department of Neurobiology

Anita Disney, PhD, Instructor in the Department of Neurobiology
Presented by Stephen G. Lisberger, PhD, Chair, Department of Neurobiology


Chang-Lung Lee, PhD, Assistant Professor in Radiation Oncology and Pathology

Chang-Lung Lee, PhD, Assistant Professor in Radiation Oncology and Pathology
Presented by Christopher G. Willett, MD, Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology


Craig Lowe, PhD, Assistant Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology

Craig Lowe, PhD, Assistant Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Presented by Sue Jinks-Robertson, Co-Vice Chair, Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology


Ashley Moseman, PhD, Assistant Professor of Immunology

Ashley Moseman, PhD, Assistant Professor of Immunology
Presented by Michael S. Krangel, PhD, Chair, Department of Immunology


Derek Southwell, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery  Assistant Research Professor in Neurobiology

Derek Southwell, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Assistant Research Professor in Neurobiology
Presented by Stephen G. Lisberger, PhD, Chair, Department of Neurobiology


Neeraj K. Surana, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Immunology and Molecular Genetics and Microbiology

Neeraj K. Surana, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Immunology and Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Presented by Ann M. Reed, MD, Chair, Department of Pediatrics


Romain Cartoni, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology and Ophthalmology

Nikoleta Georgieva Tsvetanova, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology



Excellence in Professionalism Award

Mary Klotman, MD, Dean of the School of Medicine and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

The School of Medicine Excellence in Professionalism Award recognizes the importance of promoting ethical and professional behavior within our community.  Duke’s success in reaching our goals in research, teaching and patient care depends on our ability to work effectively with each other, to reach across differences, and to actively cultivate a healthy work environment. This award recognizes faculty members who exemplify professionalism and promote such values as honesty, respect, integrity, inclusion, empathy, and compassion.

Jeffrey Baker, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics

Jeffrey Baker, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics
Presented by Ann M. Reed, MD, Chair, Department of Pediatrics


Harry R. Phillips, III, MD, FACC, Professor of Medicine
Harry R. Phillips, III, MD, FACC, Professor of Medicine

Presented by Kathleen Cooney, MD, Chair, Department of Medicine

 Lisa C. Pickett, MD, FACS, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Assistant Professor of Medicine

Lisa C. Pickett, MD, FACS, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Assistant Professor of Medicine
Presented by Allan D. Kirk, MD, PhD, FACS, Chair, Department of Surgery 


Cynthia K. Shortell, MD, Professor of Surgery, Associate Professor in Radiology
Cynthia K. Shortell, MD, Professor of Surgery, Associate Professor in Radiology

Presented by Allan D. Kirk, MD, PhD, FACS, Chair, Department of Surgery 

Research Mentoring Awards

The Research Mentoring Awards, established in 2009, recognize faculty members of the Schools of Medicine and Nursing with excellence in research mentoring. Excellence can be demonstrated in many ways such as by the accomplishments of individual mentees, by programs implemented by the mentor, or by exceptional creativity in mentoring.  Winners will be recognized each year in the following categories: clinical science, basic science, and translational research.

Research Mentoring Award for Basic Science Research


Douglas A. Marchuk, PhD, James B. Duke Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology

Douglas A. Marchuk, PhD, James B. Duke Professor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Presented by Raphael H. Valdivia, PhD

Research Mentoring Award for Clinical Science Research


Dawn T. Provenzale, MD, Professor of Medicine

Dawn T. Provenzale, MD, Professor of Medicine
Presented by Kathleen Cooney, MD, Chair, Department of Medicine

P. Brian Smith, MD, MHS, MPH, Samuel L. Katz Professor of Pediatrics

P. Brian Smith, MD, MHS, MPH, Samuel L. Katz Professor of Pediatrics
Presented by Ann M. Reed, MD, Chair, Department of Pediatrics 


Research Mentoring Award for Translational Research

Christopher Woods, MD, Professor of Medicine, Professor in Pathology, Research Professor of Global Health

 Christopher Woods, MD, Professor of Medicine, Professor in Pathology, Research Professor of Global Health
Presented by Kathleen Cooney, MD, Chair, Department of Medicine

Interprofessional Education Excellence Awards 

Presented by Edward Buckley, MD, Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology and Vice Dean for Education, School of Medicine

The Interprofessional Education Excellence Awards honor individuals who have demonstrated commitment, enthusiasm, competence, and innovation in promoting IPE in teaching, scholarly work, and/or clinical education.

Kathryn M. Andolsek, MD, MPH, Professor in Family Medicine and Community Health

Kathryn M. Andolsek, MD, MPH, Professor in Family Medicine and Community Health


Poonam Sharma, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine

Poonam Sharma, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine
