Ehsan Samei, PhD, is the 2022 recipient of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award, presented by the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP). The IOMP established the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award to honor scientists who have distinguished themselves by their contributions in:
Education and training of medical physicists, medical students, medical residents, and allied health personnel; and/or
Advancement of medical physics knowledge based upon independent original research and/or development; and/or
Advancement of the medical physics profession in the IOMP adhering national and international organizations.
Samei is professor of radiology, medical physics, biomedical engineering, physics, and electrical and computer engineering at Duke, where he serves as chief imaging physicist, director of the Ravin Advanced Imaging Laboratories, and director of the Center for Virtual Imaging Trials.
The IOMP recognizes him as “a visionary leader and founding force behind major scientific, educational, and professional initiatives in medical physics, including the Duke Medical Physics Graduate and Residency Programs, the Duke Clinical Imaging Physics Group, the Society of Directors of Academic Medical Physics Programs, the Center for Virtual Imaging Trials, and the Medical Physics 3.0 initiative.” His research ranges from pioneering work on medical displays to formative work on in-phantom and in vivo image quality assessment, dosimetry and dose-quality monitoring and optimization, and virtual clinical trials.
The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award is presented triennially at the IOMP World Congresses, scheduled to be held in June 2022 in Singapore.