Neurobiologist Eva Naumann, PhD, receives Sloan Research Fellowship

Eva Naumann, PhD, an assistant professor of neurobiology in the School of Medicine, has been selected to receive a Sloan Research Fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

The two-year, $75,000 fellowship is intended to advance the recipient’s research. Naumann studies how neural circuits across the brain guide behavior and how individuality manifests within these circuits. To better understand these circuits, she uses genetically accessible, translucent zebrafish to map, monitor, and manipulate neuronal activity.

Nauman is one of three Duke faculty receiving the fellowship this year; others include Emily Derbyshire, an assistant professor of chemistry in Trinity Arts & Sciences, and Jessica Fintzen, an assistant professor of mathematics in Trinity Arts & Sciences. They are among a total of 128 early-career researchers to receive the fellowships this year. Candidates are nominated by their fellow scientists and then selected by panels of senior scientists in their fields.

“A Sloan Research Fellow is a rising star, plain and simple,” says Adam F. Falk, president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. “To receive a Fellowship is to be told by the scientific community that your achievements as a young scholar are already driving the research frontier.”

Announcement in Duke Today
