Joy West

 Since the day I walked into the Brain Tumor Center, Joy has always greeted me with a friendly smile and never failed to go above and beyond to not only make me feel welcome and appreciated, but the entire staff as a whole. On a typical day, Joy delivers research tubes to their respective locations, obtains vaccine for several of our studies, and performs other administrative duties. COVID-19 has, unfortunately, forced many of the BTC research staff to work from home. Fortunately, Joy continues to show up each day ready for work and to help in any way she can. She has taken on many additional tasks since the research team packed up from home, and has willingly accepted all responsibility no matter the extra effort entailed. I am extremely thankful for this extraordinary hero who rises to greet the world with ‘joy’, empathy, and compassion each day. Thank you for the work that you do!

Nominated by: Nicole Cort

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