Innovative Gift Supports Medicine-Engineering Collaborations at Duke

Commitment from Alan and Carol Kaganov will enable new research, education initiatives to improve lung disease outcomes

By Jeni Baker

A generous gift from Duke Engineering alumnus Alan L. Kaganov, E’60, MBA, MS, ScD and his wife, Carol, aims to advance the diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of pulmonary diseases by fostering new collaborations across engineering and medicine at Duke University.

(Photo Carol and Alan Kaganov)

The Kaganovs’ $3 million commitment sponsors two innovative collaborations:

A $2 million gift will create the Kaganov Research Initiative in Pulmonary Medicine and Engineering, which will fund collaborative research between Duke’s engineering and medical schools aimed at tackling and ultimately curing lung diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis.

Additionally, a $1 million endowment will support the Alan L. and Carol M. Kaganov BioDesign Fellowship, through which Pratt School of Engineering undergraduate recipients will partner with School of Medicine clinicians on real-world design projects that primarily target respiratory function, disease and treatment.

Both initiatives will launch in Fall 2017, with the program administered through Duke MEDx.

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