If you are using eConsent in REDCap and have configured your project to automatically email a copy of the signed eConsent to the HIM group, please update your REDCap project to email to the following staff:
- chanigo.brooks@duke.edu
- conne.bridenbaugh@duke.edu
- jennifer.costanzo@duke.edu
- karen.stone@duke.edu
- karyn.meekins@duke.edu
- tamakia.saunders@duke.edu
- tammy.crane@duke.edu
The email address has changed to send a PDF copy of the consent form from REDCap to the HIM group. Do not send PDFs to ROI-requestor3@dm.duke.edu.
Additional changes to the eConsent process will be coming soon. Contact us at redcap-docr@duke.edu with any questions.