Duke Faculty Member Attends Pride Month Reception at the North Carolina Executive Mansion

Governor Roy Cooper and the First Lady held the first Pride Month Reception at the North Carolina Executive Mansion, after Governor Cooper’s proclamation of June as the official LGBTQ Pride Month in North Carolina for a second year. The event was held on June 26th to honor the 4-year anniversary of the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which granted marriage equality to all in our country.
Along with EqualityNC, the First Family hosted a reception for recognized leaders from the LGBTQ community and LGBTQ Allies from across North Carolina. Dane Whicker, PhD, Assistant Director of Sexual and Gender Diversity Initiatives at the Duke University School of Medicine, was among those invited to the celebration. Within the Department of Psychiatry, and the School’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion,  Dr. Whicker works to develop access to transgender healthcare services across Duke Health, and promotes LGBTQ initiatives within the School.
