Twice a year the Alpha Omega Alpha (AΩA) Medical Honor Society elects a small number of new members. The criteria include scholastic achievement, leadership capabilities, ethical standards, fairness in dealing with colleagues, demonstrated professionalism, achievement and/or potential for achievement in medicine, and a record of service to the school and community at large. Membership in AΩA is a distinction that accompanies a physician throughout his or her career.
Please join us in congratulating the following members of our community who were elected to the Duke University School of Medicine chapter of the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society for the Spring of 2019.
Medical Students
Margaret Coates, Nicole Dalal, Dylan Eiger
Samuel Augustus Hofacker, Elizabeth Howell, Lindsey Olivere
Melissa Ross, Elizabeth Seyferth, Victoria Wickenheisser
Jon Andrews, MD, Resident, Department of Anesthesiology

Dinushika Mohottige, MD, Fellow, Department of Medicine