The AAMC is Now Accepting Applications for the Mid-Career Minority Faculty Leadership Seminary!

Don’t miss this opportunity to join a select number of emerging leaders in this blended learning program that addresses your unique professional development needs in Academic Medicine. Network with colleagues, mentors and sponsors while charting your course to success!

This seminar will help you to:
•    Assess your professional development goals and identify actionable strategies and tools for promotion and tenure
•    Develop key professional competencies in academic leadership
•    Enhance your leadership skills in the areas of communication, team building, change management and work/life balance

If you aspire to advance your career in Academic Medicine, this seminar is for you. Plan to attend June 14-16 in Washington, D.C.

The AAMC is accepting applications through
Wednesday, April 18, 2018, 5:00 pm EST.

You’ll be notified by May 4, 2018 as to whether your application has been accepted.


Apply Now!


Visit the meeting website to view the seminar agenda and to access the application.
