Event sponsored by:
Johann, Fiona
Networking Lunch to Follow
Who should attend? This session is open to all faculty, staff, students, and trainees. Space is limited and registration is required. Light breakfast and a "generations translation" workbook will be provided to all registered attendees.
Register Here.
About the Speaker: Hile Rutledge, President & Principal Consultant OKA. Hile Rutledge is an experienced organization development consultant, trainer, executive coach, author, and public speaker with a background in management, sales, adult education and leadership development. Hile's primary area of expertise is the establishment and exercise of self-awareness leading to greater communication, decision making, leadership and team performance.
About the seminar: With five distinct generations in the workplace, generational diversity has never been richer or more challenging. Generational cohort theory offers a powerful lens for understanding differences in the way we lead and follow, communicate, and interact with authority and technology. This interactive workshop will help participants to better understand and how to best engage each generation.
Participants will:
- Learn the history and stories of each adult generation active in the workforce today-Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z
- Explore the unique perspectives each generation brings to the topics of technology, authority, communication etiquette, work ethics and professional development
- Generate and apply an extensive list of generational "Do's and Don'ts" to increase their ability to move smoothly between the generations
- Write a personalized action plan that will pull specific generational Do's and Don'ts into a targeted relationship in their life