Juan Marcos Gonzalez, PhD, Assistant Professor in Population Health Sciences; Shelby Reed, PhD, Professor in Population Health Sciences; Reed Johnson, PhD, Professor in Population Health Sciences
This workshop teaches how to apply a well-defined conceptual framework to the design, implementation, and critical assessment of stated-preference surveys. Case studies will illustrate the strengths and limitations of various methods. Case studies will also demonstrate the application of such quantitative preference methods to inform patient-centered health care, health-technology assessment, and regulatory decision making. Participants will complete and evaluate a stated-choice survey during the workshop.
Workshop Outcomes:
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
-Identify appropriate uses of different preference-elicitation formats
-Understand relevant applications of patient-preference information in population health sciences and health policy
-Critically evaluate specific decisions associated with the development of a patient-preference instrument
-Conceptualize how to create a survey
-Recommended Audience: People who are interested in patient-centered medicine, regulatory sciences, and shared decision making.
Early Bird Pricing ends Jan. 31. Register for 4 workshops and get 25% off.
Class Size: Limit 20 with 5 student slots
Population Health Sciences Summer Institute