Event sponsored by:
Office for Research and Innovation
Department of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Duke Global Health Innovation Center
Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI)
Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
Fuqua School of Business
Psychology and Neuroscience
Sanford School of Public Policy
School of Medicine (SOM)
Trinity College
Research Week Planning Committee
Professor Anna Gassman-Pines, Professor Jennifer Lansford, Dr. Mark McClellan, Dr. Krishna Udayakumar, & Dr. Charlene Wong
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has not only changed national and international policy approaches to overcoming public health emergencies, but also the landscape of social policy research and engagement efforts at academic institutions. This has included a wide array of Duke faculty, researchers, and students who have been directly involved in both policy development and implementation at the local, national, and international levels, as well as new research opportunities that have arisen because of the virus. In this fireside chat and panel discussion, Duke faculty will share their research and engagement experiences during COVID-19 and their outlook for social policy research and priorities in a post-COVID-19 era.
Lecture part of Research Week 2022, Duke's week-long celebration of research. Join us virtually January 31 through February 4 at dukeresearchweek.vfairs.com.
Duke Research Week 2022