Event sponsored by:
Duke Office of Scientific Integrity (DOSI)
Nicholas School of the Environment
Pratt School of Engineering
Sanford School of Public Policy
School of Medicine (SOM)
Duke researchers and scholars
Duke University is committed to advancing translation and innovation across our research enterprise. Projects and initiatives span a broad range of scholarly activities from biomedical and health focused programs like MEDx, Precision Genomics, the Center for Health Informatics, and the Regeneration Center to innovative solutions to advance society and public policy like the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Center for Politics (POLIS), and Duke Arts, Law and Markets Initiative (DALMI) etc. Translational and innovative research also comes with risks as well as ethical and regulatory challenges that must be managed with care and accountability. How can we reduce risk and maximize benefit while implementing cutting edge interventions? How do we minimize potential harms in translational research? Can we ethically adopt innovative solutions, technologies, and policies when their impact or benefit have not yet been demonstrated? Duke researchers and experts will join our panel on September 28, 2022, to discuss these important questions in the Duke Office of Scientific Integrity monthly research town hall series.
Fulfills the RCR-200 requirement for Faculty & Staff.
REGISTER AT: https://duke.is/mezq2
Research Town Hall Series