Research Mentoring Mentor + Mentee Day

October 6, 2023
2:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Event sponsored by:

School of Medicine (SOM)
School of Medicine Faculty Development
School of Medicine Office of Research Mentoring


Research Mentoring Office


The Office for Research Mentoring is exited to announce the new Mentor-Mentee Day! Unlock tailored professional growth plans, bridge work style gaps, and amplify communication skills, all while fulfilling annual mentor training requirements. 

Attendees will:

  • Complete and review individualized professional development plans and/or mentoring compacts
  • Identify differences in work styles between mentors and mentees and make plans to address them
  • Practice of new skills for communicating about individual goals, experiences, values, and identities 

Who Should Attend:

Mentors and Mentees wishing to develop/update tailored individual professional develop plans, and learn skills to enhance their mentoring experience.  Mentors are encouraged to attend with their mentees or research groups, but individual participants are welcome. Facilitators will be available for mentees whose mentors are unavailable. We particularly encourage:

  • 2nd year Graduate  students and new post-docs joining a research group
  • New career development awardees
  • Other mentors/mentees new to a mentoring relationship

Attendance fulfills:

  • Annual advanced mentor training required by OBGE
  • In-person responsible conduct of research session credit
