Event sponsored by:
Annie Tsui
Registration Link: https://duke.is/m/5t5v What: Attend a 60-minute interactive session to engage with our Duke Employees to interpret the results of the Project ENTRUST survey. Who Should Attend: Duke Employees When: 4/18/2024 (Thursday), 12:00-13:00 EST (In person, Lunch provided, English with on-site Spanish Translation) Where: Duke Regional Main Auditorium, 3643 N Roxboro St, Durham, NC 27704 Why: We want to hear your feedback! Share your voice. Duke Health is committed to earning trust. Review the Project ENTRUST survey data with us and help interpret the results as they relate to our local community's trust and the trustworthiness of Duke Health. This discussion may include potential experiences of discrimination as well as a range of attitudes and beliefs about the delivery of healthcare and medical research at Duke Health. How - Registration is free and required. Space is limited, so register early. Your participation is completely voluntary. You may leave the townhall session at any time. You can opt to enter a raffle for a gift card ($50) in the townhall session! Lunch will be provided for the in-person townhall session. ** Please Note: Your privacy is important to us. The information is requested to complete the registration process. Your name and contact details will NOT be shared. ** ** For questions, please email us at trust_survey@duke.edu. Thank you!